Nutrition-sensitive agriculture water productivity

Training of extension officers and national partners on sustainable nutrition-sensitive agricultural production practices to promote food and nutrition security


From 18 to 20 October, extension officers and other national experts from Benin, Mozambique, and Niger will be trained on sustainable water,  soil and agronomic practices as part of an ongoing FAO- and IFAD-supported nutrition-sensitive agricultural water productivity (NsAWP) project. Trainees will then promote these practices ­– which have the potential to increase yields, crop diversification, nutrient density, and livelihoods ­– among smallholder farmers in their countries.

NsAWP project guidelines and training materials were developed to reflect contextually relevant barriers that were identified from baseline surveys in target communities completed earlier this year. The baseline survey revealed that participant farmers had limited awareness of and access to technologies and resources for adopting sustainable agricultural practices, which may contribute to the high observed levels of food insecurity and low dietary diversity. Successful implementation of the NsAWP project could thus improve health and diets among farmers living in these communities.

Topics reviewed in the trainings include: sustainable water, soil, and agronomic practices for improving production of diverse foods while conserving water; post-harvest crop management; and methods for evaluating and leveraging food value chains to improve health and nutritional well-being. Trainings will be conducted in English, French, and Portuguese to maximize impact and engagement. In the following months, additional trainings will be held among farmers and other project beneficiaries.