More effective and sustainable investments in water for poverty reduction


Innovative approach makes the most out of water investments for poor smallholders in Africa

20 July 2018
A concrete set of evidence-based recommendations and tools to prioritize and plan water interventions to support smallholder farmers was presented by FAO during the final project workshop “More effective and [...more]

Positive prospects for solar-powered irrigation systems

16 April 2018
More than 150 people from 49 countries around the world attended the International Forum on Solar Technologies for Small-scale Agriculture and Water Management organized by FAO on 12-13 April in [...more]

Investing in agricultural water management: a way to reduce rural poverty and improve food security in Rwanda

31 March 2017
A group of experts in agricultural water management from FAO, IFAD, governmental institutions, research, development agencies and NGOs from Rwanda met in Kigali from 29 to 31 of March 2017 [...more]