FAO in India

Stories from the field

Harvesting Rains to Mitigate Drought in the Thar Desert, India. Initiatives by the Gramin Vikas Vigyan Samiti (GRAVIS)

This case study elaborates on the work of GRAVIS on revival of Rain-Water Harvesting (RWH) technologies and capacity building in this context as a core element of its approach to ecosystem restoration in the Thar desert in the State of Rajasthan.

Restoration and Conservation of Ecosystems through ‘Orans’ by Krishi Avam Paristhitiki Vikas Sansthan (KRAPAVIS)

This case study looks at sacred groves in Rajasthan called Orans and examines their role in ecosystem restoration in the desert landscape. It elaborates on the movement initiated by KRAVIS to revitalize and conserve Orans, taking into account the significance of Orans in the ecology and culture in the State.

Aravali Biodiversity Park: Restoring Urban Biodiversity. A Case Study by Vijay Dhasmana

This case study tells the story of how degraded land, that is part of one of the oldest mountain ranges has been restored to form a Biodiversity Park in the midst of a bustling metropolis.

Pygmy Hog: Back from the Brink. A Case Study by Parag Jyoti Deka, Goutam Narayan and Dhritiman Das

This case study describes conservation efforts to revive the pygmy hog (Porcula salvania), population in Assam. The pygmy hog is the world’s smallest and rarest wild pig most threatened by extinction.

Ecosystem Restoration through Community Conserved Areas (CCAs)

These case studies have been supported by Kalpavriksh, the South Asia coordinator for the Indigenous Peoples' and Community Conserved Territories and Areas (ICCA) Consortium. They have been documented for the CCA Web Portal communityconservedareas.org

Sarmoli-Jainti Van Panchayat: An Initiative in Community-Managed Forests. A Case Study by Malika Virdi

This case study describes the revival of a Van Panchayat in Uttarakhand. Van Panchayats are a part of centuries old traditional system of regulated use, conservation and management of the community commons in the State of Uttarakhand.