FAO in India

FOCUS Nagaland team visits Potato Technology Centre (PTC), Karnal, Haryana


The State Government of Nagaland launched a project titled, “Fostering Climate Resilient Upland Farming Systems in the Northeast (FOCUS) in 2017. The project is focused on helping small and marginal farmers overcome emerging challenges in agriculture. FAO has been providing technical assistance to the State Government of Nagaland since 2019 towards achieving the objectives of this project.

As a part of this initiative, FAO in collaboration with the International Potato Centre (CIP), organized a three-day exposure visit (December 15-17, 2021) for the Nagaland project team. The team visited the Potato Technology Centre (PTC) in Karnal, Haryana with the objective of learning about Aerial Root Cutting (ARC) technology used for faster potato seed production, and to understand the suitability of this technology in the context of Nagaland.

The delegation of eighteen people from Nagaland, was led by the State Project Director (SPD), Ms. S Tainiu, and included four officers of FOCUS project and thirteen farmers from the eight project districts. The team was accompanied by four officials from the FAO office in Delhi.

During the field visit, the team interacted with various progressive potato farmers in Karnal and Kurukshetra districts and learnt about the potato seed production technology, and improved methods of potato cultivation and management. The team also visited a FPO-run potato packaging house where members learnt about the mechanical methods of cleaning, grading, sorting and storing potato.

On the second day of the exposure visit, the team interacted with Dr. Arjun Singh Saini, Director General, Department of Horticulture, Government of Haryana. He briefed the team about PTC and CIP activities. He encouraged the Nagaland team to be innovative in addressing emerging challenges in agriculture.

The team visited the PTC farm and learnt about certified seed production and multiplication of bio-fortified materials rich in Iron and Zinc. Officials also introduced the team to various heat tolerant and virus resistant varieties of potato which may be conducive to cultivation in Nagaland.    

The team also visited the Integrated Beekeeping Development Centre in Kurukshetra district, and the Centre of Excellence for Vegetables under the Indo-Israel Project, Gharaunda, Government of Haryana. Members of the team were oriented in protected cultivation of high-quality vegetables like cherry tomatoes, cucumber, brinjal, chilli, and bell peppers. These vegetables are grown round the year in high-tech, naturally ventilated polyhouses, with climate controlled walk-in tunnels and provisions for micro irrigation along with drip irrigation for unseasonal crop cultivation.

Funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), this project is being implemented in eight districts of Nagaland with the overall goal of increasing household agricultural income of 1,37,000 households and enhancing their resilience to climate change. The objective of this initiative is to strengthen capacities of government institutions and extension services in the State to support local communities in improved jhum management, and sustainable value chains.