FAO in India

FAO facilitates drafting of the Animal Health component of India’s proposed National Action Plan (2022-2026)


India along with more than 100 other countries developed its National Action Plan (NAP) on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in 2017 for a period of five years. This was a result of the recommendation of FAO, the World Organisation for One Health (OIE-WHO), and the UN General Assembly during 2015-2016. A review and revision of the Animal Health component of the NAP for possible incorporation in the next NAP (2022-2026) was undertaken in a consultative meeting of national experts at New Delhi from 23-25 March 2022. The consultation was attended by 50 experts representing the animal health, human health and environment sectors; the private sector; food safety and regulatory agencies and international development partners.

The national consultation was inaugurated by Dr Praveen Malik, Animal Husbandry Commissioner, Government of India (GoI). Dr JK Jena, Deputy Director General (Fisheries), Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR); Dr BN Tripathy, Deputy Director General (Animal Sciences) ICAR; Dr Sujeet Kumar Singh, Director, National Centre for Disease Control and National Focal Point for AMR shared their thoughts on the way forward to contain AMR in India especially in the Animal Health sector.

A technical panel discussion on the collaboration and support from international development partners included United States Agency for International Development (USAID); Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of United States of America; the Fleming Fund; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF); and the International Livestock Research Institute. The agencies conveyed their willingness and support to India for the implementation of NAP (2022-2026).

The national experts were unanimous in their opinion that while the NAP (2017-2021) has created significant advocacy and awareness amongst various stakeholders, the next version of the NAP (2022-2026) must focus on implementation of proposed activities on a priority basis. 

FAO proposes to share the draft Animal Health component of the NAP (2022-2026) with the GoI for its consideration.