FAO in India

Training of Trainers (ToT) programme on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and Good Hygienic Practices (GHP) for Coriander at Guna, Madhya Pradesh, June, 09-11, 2022


The Spices Board India, Regional Office, Guna, Madhya Pradesh organised a residential ToT programme on GAP and GHP for Coriander, from June 09-11, 2022 at Guna, Madhya Pradesh, India. This ToT was organised in collaboration with FAO and supported by the Standard and Trade Development Facility (STDF).

The ToT programme commenced with a Presidential Address by Shri A.K. Rajput, Deputy Director Horticulture, Guna, and opening remarks by Shri Venkateson B., Director (Dev.) Spices Board Kochi; Dr Konda Reddy Chavva, Officer-In-Charge, FAO Representative in India; and Mr Vinay Singh, National Project Manager, and Food Security and Nutrition Expert, FAO India. This was followed by 11 sessions of classroom training and field visits. The ToT programme was facilitated by experts from Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) Madhya Pradesh, the Spices Board and FAO.

The training programme was attended by 22 participants. The participants were selected Master Trainers (MTs) from various government departments; private organizations/institutions; and Exporters/ Growers/ Traders from the Guna region.

The ToT programme focused on GAP and GHP in production and marketing of Coriander. It familiarised MTs with requirements of good agriculture and hygienic practices at different crop stages of Coriander; Importance of GHP during postharvest processing, packaging, transportation, storage, and marketing; Process of certification and labelling, and the importance of gender in the spices value chain. The training programme helped in acquainting MTs with the package of GAP and GHP for Coriander, thus enabling them to further deliver the training to other farmers.  

The ToT programme saw active participation from the majority of MTs, and the training materials and methodology received appreciation.

Media coverage:             
Link 1: https://public.app/video/vc_wcw3scos5vu79;    
Link 2: https://public.app/video/vc_uqvm9h1x65f2i
