FAO in India

World Food Day 2022 celebrations. October 17, 2022


On the occasion of World Food Day 2022, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and World Food Programme (WFP) co-organised a series of events on October 17, 2022, at the UN office in New Delhi. The events included key speakers from Farmer Producer Companies (FPCs), a photo exhibition and a panel discussion on the theme of Leave NO ONE behind.

The photo exhibition was unveiled and a photobook was released by Smt Samari Nayak, Chairperson, Saveri Setu FPC, Odisha and Smt Belmati Naik, Director, Dukuri Women FPC, Odisha. This photobook contains stories of selected smallholder millet farmers (both men and women). The panel discussion was on the year’s theme of Leave NO ONE behind, with a focus on men and women smallholder farmers, and a vision of a world where everyone has access to healthy and affordable food. The opening remarks were given by Mr Shombi Sharp, UN Resident Coordinator in India. The panel comprised of Dr Konda Reddy Chavva (Officer-In-Charge, FAO), Dr Ulaç Demirag (Country Director & Representative, IFAD) and Mr Bishow Parajuli (Representative & Country Director, WFP). The discussion was moderated by journalist, Ms Ambika Singh.

A Delhi-NCR based chef, Ms Anahita Dhondy was also invited for a live demonstration of the use of millets in cooking. She made a gourmet quick fix millet salad using seasonally available fresh fruits and vegetables. This was followed by sharing of field experiences by Smt Samari Nayak and Smt Belmati Naik, both FPC leaders.

The photo exhibition is currently being hosted at the India Habitat Centre (namely, 4A, 4B and 5A lobbies) from October 18 till November 10, 2022.

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