FAO in India


13 September 2023
The first Global Symposium on Farmers’ Rights is being organised by the Secretariat of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome along with the Union Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare in New...
12 September 2023
Despite being a major producer, consumer and exporter of spices, India’s spice export volumes largely remain low due to food safety and hygiene issues. Lack of Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) standards, good agricultural practices (GAP), good hygiene practices (GHP) and market linkages have impacted the income of farmers and other...
07 September 2023
FAO organized a three-day capacity-building workshop on RuralInvest from 4-6 September 2023 in Delhi. The training was led by the FAO Representative in India, Mr Takayuki Hagiwara. The workshop trained economists and the FAO India team.  The objective of the workshop was to train participants on FAO’s RuralInvest toolkit. RuralInvest is...
13 April 2023
The Global Health Security Programme (GHSP) was formally inaugurated in New Delhi, India on April 11, 2023. The meeting was attended by key stakeholders comprising of senior government officials. The main objective of the meeting was to inform stakeholders about the activities to be implemented under this programme. Dr Konda Reddy...
20 March 2023
On March 18, 2023, the Global Millets (Shree Anna) Conference was inaugurated by India’s Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi - at the National Agricultural Science Complex, New Delhi, India. The FAO Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative Asia Pacific, Mr Jong-Jin Kim attended this event and commended the Government of India’s...