Peuples Autochtones

In loving memory of Hinewirangi Kohu-Morgan

21/07/2023 - 

As we mark five months since the passing of a cherished soul, the FAO Indigenous Peoples Unit (PSUI) would like to honour and remember Hinewirangi Kohu-Morgan. She was a Maori artist, poet, and activist from Aotearoa (New Zealand) who impacted our hearts and the causes she championed.

Hinewirangi's creativity and solid commitment to justice were the hallmarks of her life. Her art captured the essence of Maori culture, while she fought for the rights and well-being of Indigenous Peoples through her activism. 

It is with great gratitude that we recall her collaboration with FAO PSUI in drafting the FAO work programme on Indigenous Peoples. This invaluable contribution will continue to shape our activities.

Today, we reflect on Hinewirangi's legacy, recognizing the void left by her passing. Yet, we also celebrate her spirit, which continues to inspire us. 

In remembrance of Hinewirangi Kohu-Morgan, may we amplify the voices of Indigenous Peoples and work towards a world that uplifts and respects them.

May she rest in peace.