FAO in Indonesia

Indonesia - FAO reaffirms commitment to empower small holder farmer

Stephen Rudgard, FAO Representative in Indonesia presented his credential to Indonesia Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi in Jakarta


In the meeting with Indonesian Foreign Minister HE Retno Marsudi to present his credentials as the new FAO Representative to Indonesia, Stephen Rudgard affirmed FAO’s support to the Government’s policy to empower smallholder farmers.

In the meeting, Marsudi voiced Indonesia’s concern for improving food security. “I emphasized the importance of small farmers in the global food supply chain” Marsudi said in her twitter account.

Rudgard said in regard of smallholders farmers, FAO focuses on empowerment, “We need to improve the lives and livelihoods of the rural poor, in their economic and nutritional situation. We should aim for a balanced approach that optimizes commercial development of the farming sector while improving key aspects of food security and nutrition. Reliable access to sufficient healthy and nutritious food is a key target.”

FAO highlights the importance of “smallholders and family farming”. About 90 percent of the world’s 570 million farms are owned and operated by families. Many of these smallholder family farmers are poor and food insecure and have limited access to markets and services.

“Sustainable agriculture is needed in order to tackle challenges of producing more food, creating more jobs and preserving the natural resources. Smallholder family farmers development is heart of the solution”, Rudgard said.

The meeting also considered the need to have a sustainable oil palm sector in Indonesia.  Around 48% of palm oil plantation is in the hand of the small holders, Marsudi tweeted that “FAO support to sustainable palm oil in Indonesia is equally important”.

Cooperation in Agriculture, Fishery, and Forestry

Indonesia-FAO cooperation is guided through Country Programing Framework (CPF), a living document that sets out four government priorities area as reference for the FAO partnership with the Government of Indonesia over the five year period 2016-2020. 

The document emphasizes the need to bring forward innovative best practices, knowledge and global standards in Indonesia in food, agriculture, fisheries, and forestry sector, complemented by international expertise. Rudgard said FAO would continue to improve alignment of the FAO programme with government priorities and to provide targeted technical assistance especially in the food and agriculture sectors.

The parties also discussed the possibility of having a national meeting in the near future focused on ensuring sustainable food security and enhanced nutrition to all people in Indonesia.

Stephen Rudgard is an international development professional with over 30 years of experience in areas related to sustainable agriculture and food security in tropical countries. Before moving to Indonesia, he was FAO Representative in Laos, and Chief of Knowledge and Capacity for Development in FAO Head Quarter in Rome.

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