FAO in Indonesia

Field epidemiology training for veterinarians has completed its final module

Participants of PELVI training practiced outbreak investigation on rabies case in Bali (c)FAO/Sadewa


Tangerang (12 April 2019) – The Field Epidemiology Training Program for Veterinarians in Indonesia (FETPV / PELVI - Program Epidemiologi Lapangan Veteriner Indonesia) has completed its final training module for the first cohort of 19 trainees through a three week session starting on 25 March. Launched in May 2017, PELVI aims to improve the skills of veterinarians in field epidemiology through a series of four training modules. Nineteen government officers from eight Disease Investigation Centers (DICs), the Center for Animal Product Quality Assay and Certification (BPMSPH), Cinagara Animal Health Training Center and the Veterinary Service Office of West Kalimantan Province were carefully selected to undertake the PELVI epidemiology training, which now has been completed.


The Directorate General of Livestock and Animal Health Services of the Ministry of Agriculture (DGLAHS MoA), represented by the Head of the Sub-directorate of Animal Diseases Surveillance, Drh. Boethdy Angkasa congratulated the PELVI trainees who remained committed to their training sessions up to the final module.  “As we complete the final module of this PELVI training we must ensure that our field epidemiology studies are properly carried out to ensure that the results are reliable and comprehensive to inform DGLAHS disease control policy, said Boethdy during the opening session.


Luuk Schoonman, FAO ECTAD Indonesia’s Chief Technical Advisor elaborated on the importance of epidemiology studies and correct scientific reporting. “Epidemiology studies which emphasize scientific methods are highly important for field epidemiology activities. Moreover, rigorously implemented scientific studies will leverage Indonesia’s contribution to science globally, besides strengthening animal disease surveillance nationally,” Schoonman explained.

 Completing and reporting field epidemiology studies, through well-recognised scientific research steps was the highlight of this final module. It brings together Indonesian university experts and FAO Regional and Indonesia epidemiologists and consultants to train Government staff to sharpen their epidemiology skills and produce scientific article for international publication. The previous three training modules covered other topics ranging from basic epidemiology; disease surveillance and risk assessment; and disease outbreak investigation.


“This final module has been very practical for us and built up our epidemiology and disease reporting skills based upon the earlier modules,” Shinta Mutia of DIC Medan, North Sumatra told us.


In addition to Shinta, a participant from DIC Maros, South Sulawesi, Titis Djatmiko conveyed how grateful she is for this opportunity to build friendships and to network with fellow veterinary epidemiologists across Indonesia. “Through this training and network, I have improved my capacity to support my home institution - DIC Maros. Our mission heavily relies on surveillance for animal diseases, where field epidemiology can provide meaningful interpretation of disease investigation data and inform disease control options,” said Titis.


Finally, DGLAHS MoA and FAO ECTAD envision the fruitful completion of this training and encouraged participants to put this valuable knowledge into practice; while also committing to act as PELVI mentors and share their epidemiology skills with their colleagues in their home institutions.