FAO in Indonesia

FAO and MMAF Seek Regional Support for Fisheries Management Area 713 of Indonesia

National Coordination Meeting: Fisheries Regulation alignment, improvement and compliance with the Indonesia Sea Parties, Balikpapan

Balikpapan, East Kalimantan

The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia through the Directorate General of Marine Resources and Fisheries Surveillance (PSDKP) held a National Coordination Meeting: Fisheries Regulation Alignment, improvement and compliance with the Indonesia Sea Parties, in seaport city of East Kalimantan, Balikpapan, 30 November to 1 December 2020.

 The activity was attended by the DG Surveillance of MMAF personnel, representatives of the East Kalimantan Province, South Kalimantan, North Kalimantan, Central Sulawesi, Fisheries Service of the City of Balikpapan and Bontang, members of Community Group Surveillance (Pokmaswas), Indonesian Navy, East Kalimantan Police Unit, Lambung Mangkurat University, Hasanuddin University and Mulawarman University.

 Apart from being attended by participants who followed the strict procedures for COVID-19, it was also joined by Marine and Fisheries Unit representatives from the Province of South Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, South-east Sulawesi, and other DGs in MMAF via Zoom.

 The coordination meeting organized by the Sub-Directorate of Fisheries Surveillance, Directorate General of Marine and Fisheries Surveillance in order to discuss the dynamics and challenges of surveillance aspect in the Fisheries Management Area (WPP) 713 locations that cover the waters of the Makassar Strait, Gulf of Bone, Flores Sea, and Bali Sea.

 "This coordination meeting is one of the activities in the context of implementing the ISLME Project, a project collaboration between MMAF and FAO with funding from GEF. In general, this project aims to review regional cooperation in supporting the effective and sustainable management of ISLME, ”said the Director General of PSDKP-MMAF, T.B. Haeru Rahayu.

 ISLME as mentioned is the Indonesian Sea Large Marine Ecosystem which includes FMA 712, 713, 714, and 573 as well as the northern part of Timor-Leste which is the location of the GEF/FAO ISLME project.

 Synergy between Central and Regional Government is needed

According to DG T.B Rahayu, this coordination meeting is a discussion forum for fisheries surveillance agencies in which the spearhead is the Directorate of Fisheries Resources Management Surveillance, however, there is still a need for synergy between the Central and Regional Governments in the context of monitoring fishery resources.

 "We see an overlapping authority for fisheries supervision according to Law 31/2004, concerning fisheries and amended by Law 45/2009, then Law 23/2014 on Regional Government. Strong synergy is absolutely needed in monitoring fishery resources according to their respective authority, "said T.B Rahayu.


"It needs collaboration and synergy efforts by involving stakeholders, both law enforcers, surveillance personnel, the private sector, the community, academics and other related parties," He explained.

 "I really hope this activity can be a means of mutual cooperation and perceptions in managing strategic issues in the marine and fisheries sector. This is a joint learning on the challenges of various problems in the field. Hopefully, it will bring great benefits to the advancement of the fisheries and marine sectors, " He said.


Strengthen the surveillance capacity of law enforcers

Meanwhile, the National Project Officer, GEF/FAO ISLME Project, Dr. Muhammad Lukman stated that the ISLME project with the MMAF had supported the implementation of the Ecosystem Approach for Fisheries Management or EAFM assessment on the management of mangrove crabs, snapper and grouper fish in East Kalimantan which was carried out by universities.

 "The results of the EAFM study recommend the need to strengthen the surveillance capacity of law enforcers in the regions considering the importance of local regulations on controlling irresponsible fishing. We hope this forum can become a means of synchronization for joint solutions, "said Lukman.

 On the first day, the event was started with the presentation of the Director of Surveillance of Fisheries Resources Management, Dr Drama Panca Putra, by the representatives of the Directorate General of Regional Development of the Ministry of Home Affairs from the Sub-Directorate for Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Directorate SUPD II, representatives of the National Police, represented by the Director of the East Kalimantan Regional Police.

 In his presentation, Dr Drama emphasized that his office prioritizes guidance in carrying out the function of monitoring fishery resources. His office always strives to encourage marine and fisheries development to run fast, permits are made easier but supervision is still to be tightened.

"The number of regional permits are higher than the central government. The challenge is, almost all of them are in the regions, so we - the central government have an obligation to collaborate with regional supervisors, " He emphasized.

 One of the challenges, Dr Drama continued, is that there is no Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) score or value in every provincial waters. "The development of surveillance is still fishing ports basis, that's the challenge, then human resources, so in the future we hope that it will be based on the Fisheries Management Area."

On behalf of the East Kalimantan Provincial Secretary, East Kalimantan Provincial Government Assistant II, Ir. H. Ichwansyah, MM appreciated this event and hoped that it will become a momentum in realizing the management of WPP 713 that is free from IUUF and destructive fishing.

"Although we face problems such as limited resources for infrastructure, system integration and insufficient fund allocation for operations," He said.

 On the second day of the coordination meeting, it continued with a hearing from each participant and agreeing on several issues that need mutual attention and solutions.

 Some of them include the issue of a lack of personnel and technical capacity, limited budget, and infrastructure, no definitive fisheries surveillance officers owned by the Regional Government.,  Fisheries surveillance officers are still limited in the other provinces except for Central Sulawesi, Central Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, and NTB provinces. 

 Furthermore, the ineffective management of fisheries supervision includes conflicts between fishermen, as well as challenges in destructive fishing practices, the need for community involvement and coordination between provinces in FMA 713.

 The participants formulated several action plans such as the need for mapping the ideal needs of national fisheries surveillance nationally, establishing  recruiting fisheries supervisors surveillance officers, compiling competency of NSPK (Government Guidance for SOP’s) , compiling technical standards for monitoring infrastructure, providing the latest P3D (personnel, budget, and documents) surveillance data and strengthening coordination and joint-operation supervision.

 Participants also agreed to anticipate the low budget of regional budget allocation (APBD) for marine and fisheries monitoring.  The proposed action plan may need more detailed discussion for  alignment between the KKP and the Ministry of Home Affairs in the area of FMA 713.