FAO in Indonesia

FAO welcome the publication of “The 2020 State of Indonesia Forest”

FAOR ai Richard Trenchard in his remarks at the soft launching of the 2020 State of Indonesia Forest


The 2020 states of Indonesia Forest (SOIFO 2020) published by the Ministry of Forestry and Environment in collaboration with FAO of the United Nations was launched in the Ministerial office in Jakarta today (30/12). The event were attended by more than 500 high rank and key field officers across Indonesia in the event called  “Reflection event: SOIFO 2020, Hints and Seek 2021”

Minister of Environment and Forestry, Siti Nurbaya, highlighted in her opening remarks that the SOIFO 2020 shows Indonesian government strong commitment to reflect on the participatory process in reaching consensus of various parties in the management of Indonesia's forests. The  efforts particularly reflected at the reports of the consistency of corrective action as well as explaining various actions and government policies to fulfill the mandate of the constitution.

 The first Soifo was published in 2018 and launched at the 24th session of the FAO Committee on Forestry (COFO) in Rome at the same year.

“The presence of SoIFo 2020 is important, especially for us, the government officials who are always reminded to ‘Write what you do and do what you write’.  We can not make it up. With this simple principle we show a productive attitude to the nations and spreading positive energy which is desperately needed,”she said.

FAO Indonesia Representative a.i Richard Trenchard marked the publication as “Enormously significant report, clear expression of the Ministry’s commitment to transparency, absolutely timely and is really well written, “

The report has seven chapters which contain up-to-date data that provides analysis and information on the situation and the government works. The report also signals future direction of Indonesia’s forestry policy.

In his remarks  Trenchard  acknowledged the commitment of President Joko Widodo and the Indonesian government for forestry sector. The commitment has been seen through government's efforts to democratize forest resource allocation, manage the nation’s forests sustainably, to prevent deforestation and the degradation of forest resources, and to ensure environmental justice and equality of opportunity for all members of Indonesia’s communities including Customary Law (Adat) communities.

“Much of the work that is highlighted throughout the report is both strong in terms of results and in many cases, highly innovative.  This is why it is such an important “read” for the international community, “ he said.

Challenges of Deforestation and Forest Fires

Trenchard appreciated government efforts to tackle some remained challenges that are well articulated in the report including more than 3.5m ha of forest were being lost in a year because of deforestation and 1.6 m ha because of the forest fires.

“We applaud the efforts that are being used to combat them, ranging from weather modification technology, such as cloud seeding before the peak of the dry season, to increased community involvement in fire prevention and response, “he said.

Trenchard also mentioned the future cooperation of FAO and the Ministry regarding management and control of invasive alien species to make significant contribution to manage the Indonesian forest biodiversity known as one of megadiverse forest in the world.  “The Director General of Conservation of Natural Resources KSDAE has done the important groundwork for managing this challenge effectively and is continuing in its efforts, an area where FAO looks forward to working closely with the Ministry in the future, “he added.

 Trenchard, reiterated FAO and other partners in the UN, including the other Rome-based agencies IFAD and WFP along with UNDP, UNEP, UNOPS, commitment to help bring the latest technology, innovative approaches and technical capacity for the ministry on going and future works.

“We are here ensure that Indonesia’s forest resources are managed sustainably and that the many important challenges that still remain are overcome in the future, “ he firmly said.