FAO in Indonesia

Stakeholders Collaboration Through Workshop on Implementation of Eel Conservation Plan

The Workshop on Implementation of the NAP for Eel Conservation was attended by representatives from MMAF. fisheries studies, NGO and universities

As a form of support for sustainable eel management, FAO Indonesia through the IFish project held a “Workshop on the Implementation of the National Action Plan (RAN) for Eel Conservation” with the Directorate General of Marine Spatial Management, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries.

The Workshop on implementation of the NAP-C for eel; was also attended by representatives from. KKHL, Pusriskan, BRPSDI Jatiluhur, BRBIH Depok, P2B-BRIN, Provincial Fisheries A West Java, Cilacap Fisheries Service, Sukabumi Fisheries Service, B/LPSPL, Unsoed, Unsrat, Univ. Halu Oleo, Untad, IFish Project FAO, and eel entrepreneurs.Bandung (12/10) –As a form of support for sustainable eel management, FAO Indonesia through the IFish project held a “Workshop on the Implementation of the National Action Plan (NAP) for Eel Conservation” with the Directorate General of Marine Spatial Management, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF).

The workshop aims to identify issues and problems faced by stakeholders, as input for the making of the national action plan for the conservation of eel (NAP-C) for the period 2022 – 2026.

“The NAP for eel conservation contains 6 targets which are translated into 23 action plans with shared responsibilities across agencies and sectors at the national and regional levels,” said Andi Rusandi, Director of Marine Conservation and Biodiversity (KKHL) of the MMAF. Previously, the KKHL directorate had prepared the 2016-2020 NAP-C eel, which according to Andi had not yet been fully implemented at the end of the previous period. Therefore, he invites all parties to provide support for eel conservation activities in the next NAP-C period.

The IFish project through Sudarsono as the National Project Manager expressed support for the management of eel through the NAP-C eel which prioritizes aspects of sustainability, legality, and traceability. “The NAP-C eel document can be used as a guide for the parties to plan and implement their activities in maintaining the sustainability of the eel population.”

In Indonesia, eel is a limited protected fish species based on a certain growth stage, time period, and size, according to the Decree of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Number 80 of 2020 concerning Limited Protection of Eel (Anguilla spp.). Based on this regulation, it is not allowed to catch all species of eel at the glass eel stage, which is set for 2 days each month, namely on the 27th and 28th of Hijriah. Four species of adult eel may not be captured at a certain size, namely: Anguilla bicolor and Anguilla interioris weighing more than 2 kilograms; Anguilla marmorata and Anguilla celebesensis, weighing over 5 kilograms.

Several important inputs during the workshop included: 1) Provision of data and information on potential eel resources in the main distribution areas (west of Sumatra, south of Java and Sulawesi); 2) Increasing surveys and research on eel resources (determination of important habitats, formation of eel way, success of restocking, distribution of eel species); 3) Determination of important eel habitats; Increasing the support of related parties (local government, community watch, business actors) in the implementation of the eel conservation program); 3) Eel way manufacture; 4) Increase in eel population (restoking in the main distribution area); 5) Improved implementation of eel utilization; 6) Post-harvest handling, and marketing.

The Workshop on Implementation of the NAP for Eel Conservation was also attended by representatives from the KKHL, Pusriskan, BRPSDI Jatiluhur, BRBIH Depok, P2B-BRIN, West Java Fisheries Service, Cilacap Fisheries Service, Sukabumi Fisheries Service, B/LPSPL, UnSoed, UnSrat, University Halu Oleo, UnTad, FAO - IFish Project, and eel entrepreneurs.