FAO in Indonesia

Indonesia strengthens multi-sectoral collaborations for Global Health Security Policy development

FAO Representative in Indonesia, Rajendra Aryal delivering speech GHSP Project Steering Committee meeting

- Jakarta. Entering its second year of implementation, the Global Health Security Programme (GHSP) that was kicked-off in June 2021 held its first Project Steering Committee in hybrid mode. The meeting brought together senior level officials from the relevant line ministries and other government bodies along with international development partners to strengthen multi-sectoral collaboration for policy development in health sector. This project is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

In his opening remarks, Dr Kasdi Subagyono, Secretary-General of the Ministry of Agriculture stated “the world needs to be better prepared for new and re-emerging infectious diseases by promoting one health approach, which prioritizes collaboration between human, animal and environmental health sectors.” He further added that the collaboration spirit is at the heart of Indonesia’s G20 Presidency 2022, which also aims to focus on brining stronger post-pandemic global recovery.

Acting as the Co-chair of the Steering Committee, Rajendra Aryal, the FAO Representative in Indonesia and Timor Leste reiterated the centrality of global health architecture in G20 agenda. “FAO has been working very closely with the Government of Indonesia and has always been ready to provide the required technical support to the One Health approach”, emphasized Aryal.

For the past 16 years, FAO through its Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD) has partnered with the Government of Indonesia to strengthen the local animal health capacity, delivered training and technical assistance on disease surveillance, laboratory diagnostics, outbreak investigation, preparedness and response, and Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) control using the ‘One Health’ approach.

“We hope this project can further strengthen collaboration between the relevant line ministries and government bodies and achieve our common strategic goals both nationally and internationally,” said Dr Nasrullah, the Director General of Livestock and Animal Health, Ministry of Agriculture. In co-leading the meeting, he invited the senior officials to collaboratively support the project on daily basis to build resilient health and agri-food systems for the people.

The GHSP project will run until 2024 and focuses on technical assistance in four key areas: a) Multi-sector collaboration and policy development; b) Surveillance, laboratory, and risk management; c) Disease preparedness and response with a One Health focus, and d) National poultry health and control of antimicrobial resistance. While it will be mainly carried out by FAO and the Ministry of Agriculture, the project will also get close technical guidance from other relevant line ministries and government bodies, such as Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of National Development Planning and National Agency for Disaster Management.