FAO in Indonesia

Indonesian 8-Year Old Girl Wins First Prize at FAO/Rome World Food Day Poster Contest


Gifti Bunga Adianti is an 8-year old from Bogor, West Java, who participated with her school friends in a global Student Poster Contest organized by the Food Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) for the 2015 World Food Day.

The contest was launched under the theme “Social Protection and Agriculture: Breaking the cycle of rural poverty”.  Gifti Bunga’s painting won first prize among 2500 paintings submitted by children from around the world is the category for 5-8 year-olds. 

The painting describes a farmer in a “before and after” situation in relation to social protection.  In the painting, Bunga drew a bank, a government building, and a hospital, as the key agents for social protection. Farmers have a broad smile in front of the buildings, and a fat cow beside them to represent prosperity.

As a prize winner, Bunga’s painting was exhibited at the World Expo in Milan during the celebration of World Food Day 2015 in Italy. She will be awarded an FAO 70th Anniversary medal at the UN Day celebrations to be held at Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta, on the 10th of November.  The FAO Representative in Indonesia, Mark Smulders, will hand her the medal.  Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi plans to greet Bunga and commend her for her achievement on the sidelines of the event. 

This year’s international competition highlights the importance of eradicating rural poverty and ensuring food security for all.

Notes to editors
The World Food Day (WFD) Poster Contest is one of the oldest FAO outreach projects involving students across the globe. Since its launch, the WFD poster contest has inspired thousands of children to put their creativity and talents to work, and to think of different ways to fight poverty, hunger and malnutrition in their countries.