FAO in Indonesia

FAO Indonesia Launches Free Mobile Application for Layer Poultry Farmers

Free mobile application petelur.id ©FAO Indonesia /Billy Anderson

Bridging the need of poultry farmers to manage their productivity in the digital age, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Indonesia launched today Petelur.ID, a mobile application for medium-to-small scale layer poultry farmers. The application was launched during the “Healthy Poultry, Increased Productivity” seminar at the Indo Livestock Expo Forum 2016 in Jakarta, which gathers together poultry famers and stakeholders across Indonesia.

The Android-based app, developed in collaboration with the Indonesian Association of Poultry Veterinarians (ADHPI) and Intelligence Dynamics, will help farmers in recording their farm egg production, poultry feed consumption and poultry flock mortalities. By providing the farmers with analyses on Hen-Day, FCR (feed conversion ratio), flock mortalities trend, and other parameters, farmers can monitor the performance of their farms from their own smart phones. In addition, they can consult with experts in a part of the app supported by the Indonesian Association of Poultry Veterinarians.

“The idea to develop the app came from the farmers themselves. As life has become more fast-moving, they expressed the need to be able to manage their farms online,” said Dr. James McGrane, Team Leader FAO Emergency Centre for Transboundary Diseases (ECTAD) Indonesia, during the launching. “As farm workers input the data regularly, farm owners and managers can easily monitor their farms’ productivity while on the move,” he added.

Since the end of 2010, FAO ECTAD through the Commercial Poultry Health programme has worked together with layer chicken farmers on a study of the cost effectiveness of biosecurity interventions in order to improve productivity and the control of diseases, such as highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), in commercial poultry farms. From this study, targeted recommendations have been made involving improved management of poultry farms.

“Through this study, it was also found that the production data on farms are still not fully used by farmers when making decisions. Decisions made by farmers are influenced by intuition or the advice of private company technical service advisers, while we know that hard data and production parameter analyses actually help them by serving as an early warning of potential problems. By anticipating problems, they can maintain their farm performance and productivity,” said Dr. McGrane.

Medium-to-small scale poultry farmers are the target user groups of Petelur.ID because they still use manual documentation. However, to migrate to a more advanced system, they have limited resources. Therefore, as a free application, Petelur.ID is expected to be part of the solution.

Poultry farmers are invited to download the application for free at the Google Play Store, and visit www.petelur.id to get more information.





http://bisniskeuangan.kompas.com/read/2016/07/29/190457026/Support poultry layer farmers FAO launces application petelur.id 

http://www.antaranews.com/berita/575769/FAO develops application to poultry layer farmers

http://teknologi.news.viva.co.id/news/read/802765 Petelur id application for low class poultry farmers

http://finance.detik.com/read/2016/07/29/140009/3264332/4/Apply this system, poultry layer farmers can enhance production 

http://www.republika.co.id/berita/koran/inovasi/16/08/01/ob86g718 Succes Manage poultry farmers with Application

http://indonesiarayakini.com/2016/07/29/Serve pultry layer farmer, FAO ID launches petelur id

http://www.medanbisnisdaily.com/news/read/2016/07/30/248479/FAO develops application for poultry farmers 

http://finance.detik.com/read/2016/07/29/151356/3264449/5/FAO launches application to help the farmers to record chicken eggs production

http://halloapakabar.com/Serve poultry farmer, FAO launches petelur.id


http://rimanews.com/teknologi/software/read/20160729/295408/FAO-launches-application for poultry farmers

http://poster.co.id/2016/08/petelur id application to increase productivity local poultry farmers 

