FAO in Indonesia

Farmers in Central Java targeting NKV certification following guidance by FAO – MoA

Layer farm assessment in Sukoharjo district, Central Java

In 2017, the Avian Influenza virus type H9N2, which does not harm humans but can reduce poultry productivity, also known as Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza (LPAI), attacked the major poultry production centers in Indonesia. Layer poultry farms experienced a decline in production of up to 70% due to the virus. To tackle the problem, the Government encouraged farmers to improve their farming practices such as implementing 3-zone biosecurity, improved vaccination practices, and farm management improvements.

“Together with FAO ECTAD Indonesia, we provided guidance to the farmers, so they can implement improved biosecurity correctly. While for farmers who just started to improve their farm biosecurity, they found it easy to adopt the 3-zone biosecurity concept, said Erni Prasetyaningrum, Animal Health Officer in Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java.

Erni explained that poultry farmers, especially layer farmers in the region, began to realize the importance of applying good biosecurity. After experiencing the benefits of improved biosecurity and productivity, they are now targeting registration of their farms with a Veterinary Control Number (Nomor Kontrol Veteriner / NKV) certificate issued by the local government.

"Now, there are six farms in our area that have progressed in implementing farm biosecurity. They have divided their farms into 3 zones, namely dirty zones, buffer zones and clean zones. Improvements include special bathrooms for employees, vehicle cleaning and disinfection facilities, special on-farm footwear and clothing, as well as parking vehicles in specified dirty zones," said Erni.

3-zone biosecurity is the most important effort that must be made by farmers, to prevent viruses and bacteria entering and infecting poultry, besides vaccination and good farm management practices. With healthy poultry, the use of drugs including antimicrobial medicines can be reduced.

"As a consequence, farmers are able to increase their profit margin since production is maintained and the expense of medicines, including antibiotics is decreased. But most importantly, people can consume healthy products,” said Alfred Kompudu, FAO ECTAD Indonesia National Technical Advisor, who has been working with the farmers over the past year. 

According to Alfred, in 2017 28 farmers in Central and East Java requested local livestock service officers and FAO Indonesia to assess the condition of their farms while providing technical advice on biosecurity improvements. Currently, Sukoharjo Regency is one of the regions that has shown good progress in implementing 3-zone biosecurity.

The same thing is acknowledged by Hermanto Karim, one of the farmers in Sukoharjo, Central Java who received FAO technical guidance. Hermanto said that current egg production is more stable compared to the situation before his farm implemented 3-zone biosecurity. In fact, he added, the mortality rate of laying hens has been reduced by 40 percent.

For this reason, Hermanto is focused on obtaining an NKV (Nomer Kontrol Veteriner) certificate for his 80,000 layer farm. This will certify that its poultry products are healthy and safe for public consumption. "Once I have obtained the NKV, I can increase the sale value of my eggs and can supply them to modern markets," Hermanto hoped.

FAO ECTAD Indonesia, together with the Directorate General of Livestock and Animal Health Services, Ministry of Agriculture, through the emerging pandemic threats (EPT2) program funded by USAID, has guided hundreds of commercial poultry farmers throughout Indonesia. This effort is carried out not only to prevent the threat of infectious diseases transmitted from animals to humans (zoonoses) that endangers human health, but also to ensure that people get healthy and nutritious poultry products.