FAO in Indonesia

IDF: Increased understanding of forests, improves peoples’ lives


As the world population climbs to 8.5 billion by 2030, the role of forests becomes more important than ever. Forests help to keep air, soil, and water healthy to make people happier and more prosperous. They have a vital role to play in some of the biggest challenges we face today, such as addressing climate change, eliminating hunger and keeping urban and rural communities sustainable.


Forests cover one third of all land on earth and are fundamental part of our global ecosystem.  They provide timber, food, fuel and medicines, for more than a third of the world’s population. Forest also protect the natural environment. They absorbed 2.6 billion tons of carbon dioxide per year helping reduce climate change.


Forested watersheds supplies 75% of the world accessible fresh water used in home, and irrigated farmland downstream. They protect coastland from erosion, and can reduce the impacts of natural disasters like tsunamis. Forests are home to 80% of the planet’s terrestrial animal and plant species.


“Forests are one of our important life support systems, so it is important for us to manage forest sustainably. Sustainable forest management can only be achieved through better understanding forests. Education and training are necessary to raise awareness among forest users and the general public of forests and forestry.”  said Minister of Environment and Forestry Siti Nurbaya in a statement to mark International Day of Forests, that fall today, that has the theme this year on “Forest and Education”.


Minister Siti Nurbaya also emphasised  after implementing corrective actions to recover a healthy forest and environment, the next step is providing qualified human resources, to manage forest and the environment, through education and training.


Forest education helps children connect with nature. The process will create future generations conscious of the benefits of trees and forests and the need to manage them sustainably. For some children, forests are a direct source of food, wood and shelter, and part of their everyday lives. Other children can discover forests in classrooms and forest schools, by spending guided time in forests and urban parks, or by learning about trees growing in cities and gardens.


Foresters know and understand nature well, and through training, FAO is helping Indonesian foresters to learn how to use the latest satellite technology to ensure that our forests are monitored and managed sustainably. Rural and indigenous communities also have vital experience and knowledge on how to protect forest resources and ensure that they are managed and harvested sustainably.


“By investing in forestry education at all levels, countries can help ensure scientists, policy makers, foresters and local communities work to halt deforestation and restore degraded landscapes. In turn, healthy forests will help us to achieve many of the Sustainable Development Goals.” Adam Gerrand, Acting FAO Representative in Indonesia said.