FAO in Indonesia

Food Heroes Virtual Exhibition spread the spirit of resilience across Indonesia


FAO celebrates World Food Day (WFD) each year on 16 October to commemorate the founding of the Organization in 1945. The global theme for World Food Day 2020 is “Grow, Nourish, Sustain. Together – Our Action are our Future”.

This year, World Food Day 2020 marks FAO’s 75th anniversary during a very exceptional time as many countries are dealing with the widespread effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.  In this challenging year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic the 2020, WFD campaign and outreach activities mainly used digital platform to bring people together and celebrated World Food Day virtually.

One of the activities is Food Heroes Virtual Exhibition which now available at www.pahlawanpangan.com. The virtual exhibition has been designed to celebrate the role Food Heroes in all over Indonesia. Through FAO projects that are divided in 4 sectors - agriculture, fisheries, forestry and animal health - the virtual exhibition visitors can learn about the projects and the struggling of food heroes to continue providing food for their community despite restriction or blocking during the pandemic.

The virtual exhibition provides virtual booths for each sectors, virtual theaters, and miniature of layer farms with biosecurity and organic rice field.  To continue to spread the spirit of Indonesia Food Heroes the virtual exhibition will be opened until October 2021.

Go to www.pahlawanpangan.com to enter Food Heroes Virtual Exhibition.