FAO in Indonesia

Commite on Forestry 23rd session: Follow up to the second International conference on nutrition

©FAO/Yunita. Kopjanski, Indonesia. Unforgettable forest jegkol fruits. FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Forests and People photo contest.

In November 2014, by adopting the Rome Declaration and the Framework for Action at the ICN2, world leaders renewed their commitments to establish and implement policies aimed at eradicating malnutrition in all its form and transforming the food system to make nutritious diets available to all.

Forest products can directly contribute to meeting nutritional requirements of populations, byproviding staple foods, protein and micronutrient rich food sources. Woodfuel from forests contribute significantly as source of energy for food processing and water sterilization. Additionally, forest products can be an important safety net for vulnerable households especially during hungry seasons when food is in short supply. FAO has embarked on a number of activities to support member countries to enhance the contribution of forest products to food security and nutrition.

Read more in COFO Document COFO/2016/7.4