FAO in Indonesia

Innovative solution for sustainable eel fisheries; MMAF, West Java Province, Sukabumi District and FAO join hands for Sustainable Inland Fisheries Management.

Fishway Construction Ceremony: Collaboration to Maintain Habitat Quality and Connectivity for Inland Fisheries Ecosystems (©FAO Indonesia)

Sukabumi, 28 May 2024 – In a significant stride towards biodiversity conservation and sustainable management of inland fisheries, the IFish project, implemented jointly by the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF), West Java Province, Sukabumi District, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), has constructed a fishway to support the migration of eel (Anguilla spp.). This collaboration is part of the Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use Into Inland Fisheries Practices in Freshwater Ecosystem of High Conservation Value project, known as IFish, and marks an important step in integrating innovative solutions to address pressing biodiversity issues, particularly in inland fisheries in Indonesia.

The fishway, constructed at the Cibareno River in Sukabumi, is an essential site for the project and a habitat for the endangered eel species. The construction is expected to maintain the quality of the habitat and connectivity for eel fisheries in the broader inland fisheries ecosystem. In collaboration with Charles Sturt University, the design is based on scientific claims that all migratory fish, particularly the eel, can navigate through the fishway effectively, ensuring their movement from downstream to upstream, which is crucial to the livelihoods of the Sukabumi civilians.

The IFish project is implemented in Riau, West Java, Central Java, and Central Kalimantan, focusing on the Ecosystem Approach for Fisheries Management (EAFM) with the objective of conserving endangered fish species in inland freshwater ecosystems such as eel, arowana, and belida. Through their efforts, sustainable fisheries resource management has now been incorporated into local regulation and policy. Yayan Hikmayani, Director at the Marine and Fisheries Human Resources Development and Extension Agency (BPPSDMKP) of MMAF, enthused about policy reformation as part of the project's goal. "Development has been made in the Regent Regulation Number 1 in 2023 concerning Fisheries Management in Sukabumi District. This was initiated by the TWG (Technical Working Group) to design the fishway in accordance with the Regent Regulation. We expect every weir and dam to provide a fishway or fish ladder for the migratory fish species," said Hikmayani.

Furthermore, Eko Nugroho from the office of the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) Operational Focal Point for Indonesia expressed his appreciation for the project's management of inland fisheries. "The site in Sukabumi has shown that it is possible to achieve sustainable biodiversity. With the support of local government and local communities (Masyarakat Adat), we can achieve innovative solutions such as the fishway to ensure the seamless migration of fish species such as eels and ensure their conservation as well."

The project's remarkable innovation draws significant attention from other stakeholders to join hands in promoting better lives for the civilians of Sukabumi. This year, the district plans to construct two additional fishways in the Cicatih River in collaboration with PT. Metaphora, utilizing micro-hydro power plant infrastructure to ensure the fish pathways are integrated seamlessly within hydroelectricity development. Through a multifaceted approach encompassing policy and regulations, pilot activities, and robust data management, the sustainable management of eel populations and inland fisheries resources has been strengthened.

FAO Representative in Indonesia and Timor-Leste, Rajendra Aryal, mentioned the importance of the Ecosystem Approach for Fisheries Management (EAFM) in the construction. "Construction of the fishway has given a lifeline to the conservation of eels in Sukabumi. We are excited to see institutions such as PT. Metaphora replicating the construction of fishways in their mini hydroelectricity project by following the pilot model implemented by the IFish project. Such efforts ensure the safe migration of fish and play a crucial role in the sustainable management of inland aquatic resources and the conservation of endangered species. This further ensures that communities have access to high-quality natural protein sources and better livelihoods through better incomes, aligning perfectly with FAO's Program Framework to transform food systems," said Aryal. The construction of the fishway serves as a gateway to promote similar initiatives across Indonesia, contributing not only to the livelihoods of the local communities but also to the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems at large.