FAO in Indonesia


14 April 2022
Sumbawa Besar, West Nusa Tenggara (14/04) – Indonesia started to intensify series of activities on Rabies control in Sumbawa, in view of the upcoming International MotoCross Grand Prix (MXGP) in Samota area, Sumbawa in June. The activities included mass dog vaccination, training on Integrated Bite Case Management (Tata Laksana Kasus...
30 March 2022
Sukabumi (30/03) - The 30th World Water Day is commemorated by the FAO-IFish project with the Sukabumi District and West Java Province government representatives, private sectors, environmentalists, and community members. All parties are members of the “Sukabumi District Integrated Inland Water Management Working Group”, a working group for joint management...
25 March 2022
Malang, East Java - The production process on farms determines the quality of the poultry products we consume daily. This process comprises several components, but one of the most essential aspects to consider are poultry farm's hygiene and sanitation, which has a significant impact on the health and safety of...
21 March 2022
Today is the International Day of Forests.  When we drink a glass of water, write in a notebook, take medicine for a fever or build a house, we do not always make the connection with forests. And yet, these and many other aspects of our lives are linked to forests and...
19 March 2022
Pekanbaru, Riau. To prevent the spread of Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) in cattle, the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture has carried out vaccinations in Riau Province. This was stated by Nasrullah, Director General of Livestock and Animal Health Services (DGLAHS), Ministry of Agriculture through its official press release, Friday (18/03). "LSD is an...