FAO in Indonesia


17 February 2022
New generations of students help adapt local knowledge and practices to a changing world
11 February 2022
- Jakarta. Entering its second year of implementation, the Global Health Security Programme (GHSP) that was kicked-off in June 2021 held its first Project Steering Committee in hybrid mode. The meeting brought together senior level officials from the relevant line ministries and other government bodies along with international development partners to...
09 February 2022
 Nowadays, farming is not only blending with mud and water.  Farming also means entering the world of digitalization, be it for marketing, learning the latest technology to boost production, or sharing success stories. Agriculture in Indonesia has been experiencing acceleration in agriculture digitalization, as observed especially during the pandemic.  In the...
01 February 2022
Cirebon, Blue Swimming Crab (BSC) is one of high economic potential of marine fisheries commodities in Indonesia produced mostly by small-scale fisheries (using boats <10 GT). BSC production in Indonesia ranks the third globally after tuna and shrimp. This commodity has a high export demand and selling price. BSC export reaches...
23 December 2021
Cilacap, 23 December 2021.  Eel fisheries have been hit hard during the COVID-19 pandemic. The main market for eel (Anguilla sp.)—also known as unagi—is Japan, while domestic demand is very limited. Due to COVID-19, exports to Japan have been hampered so that the demand for eel has decreased drastically. “The first five...