FAO in Indonesia


11 February 2019
FAO’s Regional Rice Initiative (RRI) offers new practices for sustainable production.  Amarudin (47) sits on the embankment, looking across the rice paddy in front of him. He smiles proudly, pointing to a rice field in the valley. “That field is mine,” he says.  After 15 years of saving money as a hard...
11 February 2019
The New Year 2019 brings FAO ECTAD to the final year of its Emerging Pandemic Threats (EPT-2) project in Indonesia. But, efforts to prevent and control transboundary animal diseases will continue with a newly initiated project framework named Emerging Disease Threats – Next Generation (EDiT-Next Gen) with funding support from...
08 February 2019
Dompu, West Nusa Tenggara. The Ministry of Agriculture, through the Directorate General of Livestock and Animal Health Services (DGLAHS), is taking immediate actions to control the current rabies outbreak in Dompu regency, Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara province.  After previously sending a Joint Veterinary Team to conduct investigations and immediate vaccination of...
07 February 2019
Kupang,  East Nusa Tenggara The Ministry of Agriculture and provincial authorities have been working with over 16,000 smallholders since 2013, in NTT and NTB provinces to help them adapt to climate change using a special technique called conservation agriculture.   The new approach helps farmers to cope with extreme weather events, while increasing...
25 January 2019
In 2017, the Avian Influenza virus type H9N2, which does not harm humans but can reduce poultry productivity, also known as Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza (LPAI), attacked the major poultry production centers in Indonesia. Layer poultry farms experienced a decline in production of up to 70% due to the virus....