FAO in Indonesia


29 September 2017
Rabies, commonly known as rabid-dog disease, is still a serious threat worldwide with 55,000 deaths per year, more than 50% are in Asia. Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) states that currently 24  provinces in Indonesia are still Rabies endemic while the rest are Rabies free.  Food and Agriculture Organization of the United...
18 September 2017
Sulawesi or as it used to be called the Celebes, is a well-known tourist destination for people around the globe because of its biodiversity and natural beauty. However, this island has been identified as one of the potential 'hotspots' for zoonoses and new emerging infectious diseases (EID) in Indonesia. In Sulawesi...
15 September 2017
A technical course in REDD+ Measurement Reporting and Verification (MRV) for 30 Indonesian Government Officials took place at University of Melbourne’s Creswick Campus from 4 to 15 September 2017. The training strengthened the capacity in a range of Indonesian Government Ministries and Departments that have a role in MRV processes...
21 August 2017
Story of Amaq Genap, an ex-migrant worker who benefitted from practising Conservation Agriculture. “Compared to my income as a construction worker in Malaysia, I am now better off as a farmer…“Money is now right here, knocking at my door,” says Amaq Genap, a former migrant and farmer from Indonesia. Amaq Genap, a 58-year-old...
07 August 2017
Jakarta, August,7  Indonesia and other countries of the South East Asia Region have achieved significant progress in economic development over the past two decades. Nevertheless, Indonesia’s challenges related to undernutrition remain huge. The fact that one of three children under 5 years of age in Indonesia and some countries in South East Asia suffer from stunting, implies that there is inadequate access...