FAO in Indonesia


22 September 2023
Boyolali, 22 September 2023. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) acknowledged Indonesia’s continuous efforts in the animal health sector and presented Letters of Appreciation for strengthening national animal health and food security. The Letters of Appreciation were conferred by FAO Representative in Indonesia and Timor Leste, Rajendra...
11 September 2023
Indonesia and Timor-Leste conducted a series of activities to strengthen transboundary partnership to protect the sustainability of Indonesian Seas Large Marine Ecosystem (ISLME) region. The activities, carried out in September 2023 involved fisheries and marine authorities and experts from both countries. The ISLME region, situated in the confluence of the Pacific...
28 August 2023
Gazing at the lush mosaic of green woodland interspersed with cultivated fields, it is hard for 49-year-old community leader, Pendi, to remember how his community forest land looked back in 2005. Then, this same land in the district of Ciwidey, 200 kilometers southeast of Indonesia’s capital city, Jakarta, was barren and...
23 August 2023
FAO, the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) of Indonesia and the Ministry of Agriculture, Lifestock, Fisheries and Forestry (MALFF) of Timor-Leste express their commitment to ISLME sustainability specifically through the finalization and endorsement of the key scientific documents: the Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) and the Strategic Action Programme (SAP)...
14 August 2023
As an archipelago country, with more than 17 500 islands and 6.8 million km2 of territorial water, Indonesia has huge marine and fisheries resources potential for sustainable development. It has around 12 million tonnes of sustainable fisheries potential annually and around 24.87 million tonnes of fisheries production (including seaweed) in 2022....