The Country Programming Framework (CPF) sets out four government priority areas to guide FAO partnership and support with the Government of Indonesia (GoI). This document is in line with the five regional priorities endorsed by the 31st and 32nd Asia Pacific Regional Conference: (i) strengthening food and nutritional security; (ii) fostering agricultural production and rural development; (iii) enhancing equitable, productive and sustainable natural resource management and utilization; (iv) improving capacity to respond to food and agricultural threats and emergencies; and (v) coping with the impact of climate change on food and agriculture.
Priority area 1. Support disaster risk reduction and improved resilience to climate change
Indonesia is prone to natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunami, floods, droughts, landslides and volcano eruption. In addition, rural communities face various other hazards affecting agricultural livelihoods such as crop and animal diseases and pest infestation. Climate change effects are increasingly evident: flooding, droughts and environmental degradation are more severe; high temperatures are disturbing cropping patterns whilst rising sea levels are having detrimental consequences in coastal cities and communities.
Incidence of climate change related disasters has been exacerbated by non-climatic reasons such as forest degradation, deforestation, forest fire and haze, and land use change. Together, these multiple threats have a direct adverse effect on agriculture, forestry and fisheries which may threaten FNS and poverty-reduction gains, thus compromising prospects for attaining national development goals.
Therefore, the GoI has attached great importance to improving the capacity of national and local authorities, as well as communities and other stakeholders to prepare for and respond to natural disaster and weather related shocks or threats.
Priority Area 2. Sustainable natural resource management for crops, livestock, forestry and fisheries
The Government of Indonesia recognizes that natural resources are an important material basis for a stable national economy and social development - fisheries, forestry, soils, water. FAO technical assistance will be focused on the adoption of improved technologies introduced by FAO and scale out at national level (Rice-fish, IPM, Save and Grow).
Will work with the government in strengthening the capacity of the Government and local communities in national priority watersheds to sustainably manage agriculture and forest land, as well as enhance the Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing practices.
Another key area will be the completion of economic development zoning plan under Blue Economy/Growth for the most potential islands and the preparation of government fisheries management policy to mainstream inland aquatic biodiversities.
Priority area 3. Improved agricultural productivity, value chain development and competitiveness
Indonesia’s agriculture sector is dominated by small-scale subsistence farming with average farm size of less than 1 ha. The sector shows low productivity due to inadequate market infrastructure, limited availability of finance, inadequate provision of agricultural support services, and lack of appropriate technologies. Communication barriers among the actors along the linkages from producers to consumers, lack of functioning smallholder organization, and inefficiencies at the various production, processing and marketing points make value chains for smallholders are weak and inefficient.
In support of the government programs to increase agricultural sector productivity, FAO will focus its assistance in developing more efficient value chains. As well as in strengthening farmers capacities for better farm management practices including marketing linkages and women’s processing and entrepreneurial skills, developing producer and women associations in seaweed farming, and formulating investment studies for seaweed processing and area expansion, among other strategic sectors.
Priority area 4. Strengthen the enabling Policy, Legal and Institutional Environment to Improve Livelihoods, Food Security and Nutrition
Despite gains in poverty reduction and a growing middle class due to strong economic growth in recent years, Indonesia still faces the problem of food security and nutrition. About 15 percent of the population still live below the national poverty line, and 46 percent live on less than $2 a day.
Food availability at the national level is adequate and average daily energy and protein intake have surpassed the national Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA), but the lowest three expenditure classes consumed only 1,817 kcal/capita/day or less, and their diet remained quantitatively inadequate and qualitatively imbalanced.
FAO will support the Government programs in the following main areas. First, supporting cross-sectoral dialogues among FSN stakeholders for achieving agreement for the revised Food Security and Nutrition Policy. Second, assisting decision-makers in becoming more aware of the contribution to FSN by their specific sectors, including their role in working towards gender equality in FSN. Third, promoting more inclusive, efficient and sustainable agri-food value chains in sago palm for food diversification.
Fourth, establishment of evidence based and gender sensitive food losses and waste reduction programmes at national level. Fifth, providing Capacity Development for food security analysis and for provision of reliable statistics for evidence based policy making and planning, including in support of contribution of forestry to food security. Sixth, capacity strengthening on food security and agricultural development policies. Seventh, enhancing food utilization and household nutritional status.