FAO in Indonesia

Past project in Animal Health/Veterinary Services

Combating AMR in Indonesia through multi-sectoral approaches to infection reduction and improved stewardship (AMR MPTF)

Combating AMR in Indonesia through multi-sectoral approaches to infection reduction and improved stewardship (AMR MPTF)

Donor: Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MPTF) from Netherland and Sweden
Grant: 339,753 USD
Period: 1 Jan 2021 – 30 Jun 2023
Code: UNJP/INS/089/UNJ 

Strengthening National Capacity to Prevent and Control Emerging and Re-emerging Pandemic Treats Including Influenza A in Indonesia (EPT 2)

Strengthening National Capacity to Prevent and Control Emerging and Re-emerging Pandemic Treats Including Influenza A in Indonesia (EPT 2)

Donor: USAID
Grant: 17,335,000 USD
Period: 1 Jan 2016 – 31 Dec 2021
Code: OSRO/INS/501/USA

Addressing Antimicrobial Usage in Asia’s Livestock Production Industry (AMR Surveillance)

Addressing Antimicrobial Usage in Asia’s Livestock Production Industry (AMR Surveillance)

Donor: USAID
Grant: 172,480 USD
Period: 1 Oct 2020 – 31 Dec 2021
Code: OSRO/RAS/502/USA

Immediate Technical Assistance for Animal Health Systems to Address Emerging and Priority Zoonotic Diseases and Health Threats in Indonesia (GHSP)

Immediate Technical Assistance for Animal Health Systems to Address Emerging and Priority Zoonotic Diseases and Health Threats in Indonesia (GHSP)

Donor: USAID
Grant: 2,965,000 USD
Period: 1 Oct 2020 – 30 Sept 2021
Code: OSRO/INS/002/USA 

Preparation of plan for Reducing the Risk of Emerging Zoonotic Disease spill over events in High-Risk Wildlife Wet Markets and their associated value chains in Indonesia (WWM)

Preparation of plan for Reducing the Risk of Emerging Zoonotic Disease spill over events in High-Risk Wildlife Wet Markets and their associated value chains in Indonesia (WWM)

Donor: DFAT
Grant: 101,108 USD
Period: 30 Jun 2020 - 30 Jun 2021
Code: OSRO/INS/001/AUL

Building Tripartite International Guidance Tools for the National Implementation of One Health: Surveillance & Information Sharing Operational Tool (SIS OT)

Building Tripartite International Guidance Tools for the National Implementation of One Health: Surveillance & Information Sharing Operational Tool (SIS OT)

Donor: OIE-World Organization for Animal Health
Period: 15 Feb 2019 – 1 April 2021
Code: OSRO/GLO/813/OIE