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Fisheries characteristics of the shared lakes of the East African rift. CIFA TECHNICAL PAPER No. 24.

Governance & policy

This is a review of the characteristics of the fisheries of the shared lakes of the Rift Valley in Eastern Africa. The fisheries under consideration are those of lakes Albert, Chilwa, Chiuta, Cohoha, Edward/Mobutu, Kariba (Reservoir), Kivu, Malawi/Nyasa, Tanganyika, Turkana and Victoria. The first section provides a general overview of inland fisheries in the region, with the focus on basic fisheries and socio-economic indicators. The second section provides more specific information on fisheries on a lake-by-lake basis. Emphasis is on graphic presentation and brief analyses of current and historical information on catch and fishing effort. Finally, in the third section complementary country-level socio-economic data are presented for the 11 countries concerned.