Inland Fisheries


Type: Publications
South and central America
Year: 1988
This technical paper summarizes data available in Latin America on structures designed to help fish surmount the obstacles which hinder their migrations and which are due to dam construction. It analyses installation designs, modes of operation and efficiency and discusses [...]
Type: Publications
Russian Federation, Central and western Asia
Year: 1988
Fisheries make an important contribution to the national economy of the USSR. Fish is a traditional food which comprises 20 percent of the total protein consumed by the population, and the government and other political bodies are currently concerned to [...]
Type: Publications
South, southeast and east Asia
Year: 1988
Sri Lanka, a continental tropical island of 65,000 km2, is reputed for its ancient irrigation reservoirs, constructed over the last 2000 years. The island, which is devoid of natural lakes has 3 ha of artificially created lentic waters for every [...]
Type: Publications
Europe, Russian Federation, North America
Year: 1987
This synopsis consolidates all the available published data on the taxonomy, distribution, biology, growth, migration, population dynamics, fisheries, management and culture of Northern pike; a species which has been exploited and cultured for food since many years in European and [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1987
This volume contains 11 papers prepared on the theme of predator-prey relationships, population dynamics and fisheries productivities of African Lakes. The lakes include Malawi, Tanganyika, Victoria, Kivu, Kioga and Abaya as well as Kariba Reservoir.
Type: Publications
South and central America
Year: 1987
Este documento técnico recopila la información existente en América Latina con respecto a las instalaciones para asistir a los peces en la superación de los obstáculos para sus desplazamientos localizados y migraciones, debidos a la construcción de presas. Se analizan [...]
Type: Publications
South and central America
Year: 1987
Este trabajo presenta una breve descripción de los cuatro mayores sistemas de ríos con llanura de inundación de América Latina, su fauna íctica y sus pesquerías así como el desarrollo de las cuencas fluviales con respecto a otras industrias (construcción [...]
Type: Publications
South and central America
Year: 1987
Esta obra representa uno de los primeros intentos de recopilación regional de la información sobre artes y métodos de pesca en aguas continentales de América Latina. Se describen y presentan graficamente alrededor de 40 tipos de artes, para cada uno [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1987
The fisheries of Lake Victoria have undergone very substantial changes in recent years owing, in particular, to the rapid proliferation of the introduced Nile perch (Lates niloticus). There has been intense controversy over the impact of this introduced predator species [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1987
Present ways of handling Nile perch are chiefly artisanal. Catching and landing by canoes , transfer to fish banda, thereafter distribution to markets and processing sites are all steps in a chain which lacks modern facilities. An exception is the [...]