Inland Fisheries


Type: Publications
Year: 1982
The taxonomy, distribution, biology, fisheries, management and culture of grass carp a Chinese carp.
Type: Publications
Year: 1982
The final report of the Committee for Inland Fisheries of Africa (CIFA), held in Cairo, Egypt, from 15 to 20 January 1983, is presented. Major topics considered were (1) status and prospects of extension services in African inland fisheries; (2) [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1982
Le présent document examine les problèmes que pose ou que pourra poser dans l'avenir la qualité de l'eau dans les pêcheries d'eaux douces du Burundi, du Kenya, du Malawi, du Soudan, de la Tanzanie et de la Zambie, ainsi que [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1982
This bibliography contains references relating to fish resources and fisheries of 10 major African reservoirs: Cahora Bassa, Kafue, Kainji, Kariba, Kossou, McIlwaine, Nasser/Nubia, Nyumba Ya Mungu, Roseires and Volta. It includes also substantive references on African inland waters covering some [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1981
The Symposium on Stock Enhancement in the Management of Freshwater Fisheries, held in Budapest, Hungary, 31 May to 2 June 1982, discussed two aspects of management of freshwater fisheries by manipulation of stocks. The first of these was stocking with native [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1981
El problema de la ordenación de las pesquerías artesanales en lagunas y esteros se afronta en tres partes: ordenación reguladora, ordenación no reguladora e interacciones entre distintas pesquerías o intereses pesqueros. La regulación de la pesca artesanal en las lagunas y [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1981
L'aménagement des pêcheries artisanales dans les lagunes côtières et les estuaires est envisagé sous trois aspects: l'aménagement par voie de réglementation, les autres méthodes d'aménagement et enfin les interactions entre pêcheries et les conflits entre pêcheries et entre groupes d'intérêt. La [...]
Type: Publications
South and central America
Year: 1981
Actas del Simposio Sobre Desarrollo y Explotacion de Lagos Artificiales. Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, 30 de Noviembre – 1 de Diciembre de 1981.  En el Simposio sobre Desarrollo y Explotación de Lagos Artificiales, celebrado en Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, del 30 [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1981
The session reviewed EIFAC activities since 1980 in the fields of fishery biology and management, fish culture and diseases and water pollution control.    SYMPOSIUM ON STOCK ENHANCEMENT IN THE MANAGEMENT OF FRESHWATER FISHERIES Stocking, Transfers,  FISHERY BIOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT (SUB-COMMISSION I) Cooperative Programme on Lake [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1981
taxonomie, distribution, reproduction, nourriture et croissance, pêche, protection et gestion de la pêche, aquaculture