Рыболовство во внутренних водоемах


Type: Publications
Year: 1998
In rural areas of Africa, animal protein is often in short supply and therefore lacking in the diet. Fish is a high-protein and highly appreciated food item, but fresh fish is frequently difficult to obtain. The importance of fish and [...]
Type: Publications
South and central America
Year: 1998
This report is an overview of the present status of fisheries, other environmental issues, and their effect on freshwater biodiversity in the Amazon basin. A related set of specific recommended actions to protect biodiversity are described. It results from a [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1998
A total of 1 354 introductions of 237 species into 140 countries are analyzed. The number of introductions carried out rose from the middle of the last century until the 1960s and have lessened since then. Introductions have been made [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1998
The Symposium on Water for Sustainable Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture was held in Praia do Carvoeiro, Portugal, from 23-26 June 1998. The Symposium concluded that those in charge of fisheries and aquaculture development should seek collaboration with other agencies and [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1998
Inland fishery enhancements. Papers presented at the FAO/DFID Expert Consultation on Inland Fishery Enhancements. Dhaka, Bangladesh, 7–11 April 1997. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 374. Rome, FAO. 1998. 463p. This document brings together the twenty-eight papers presented at the Expert Consultation on [...]
Type: Publications
Europe, Global
Year: 1998
This manual is a compilation of the methodologies required for assessment of the needs for rehabilitation, the habitat requirements of fish and the various techniques for rehabilitating water courses. Value can be added to projects for restoring the aesthetic appeal [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1996
The Second Session of the Joint EIFAC/ICES Working Group on Eel took place from 23 to 27 September 1996, in IJmuiden, the Netherlands. The Session was attended by 41 participants from 29 countries, including 23 European countries as well as [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1996
Inland fisheries differ from most other fisheries forming the subject of the Code in their high degree of inter-relatedness with other users of the aquatic resource. In most areas of the world the principal impacts on fisheries do not originate [...]
Type: Publications
Pacific and Australasia
Year: 1996
Papua New Guinea (P.N.G.) is not a "small Pacific Island State'', but in fact has a land area greater than that of, for example, Germany. P.N.G. 's official population census confirms that most people in P.N.G. live inland and have [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1996
La stratégie de développement pendant les années 60 et 70 était basée sur la philosophie selon laquelle les pays en développement manquaient de technologie perfectionnée et de capitaux pour accélérer leur développement. L'industrialisation était donc promue dans le but de [...]