Рыболовство во внутренних водоемах


Type: Publications
Year: 1986
This summary is an attempt to generalise from fragmentary information, and the conclusiions reached should not be used as a basis for action without reference to the main report. For water.pollution control purposes, the concentration-addition model for describing the joint [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1986
The purpose of this study is to call attention to satellite remote sensing as a rapid, costeffective means to provide much of the basic information required to plan for the development and management of small water bodies for fisheries and [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1986
The basic principles of fish transport and the main factors affecting it (fish species, fish developmental stages and quality, transport time, temperature, oxygen content, fish metabolism products, etc.) are evaluated on the basis of an analysis of the pertinent literature. [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1985
Summary of Planning Constraints and Priorities in African Fisheries (CIFA/85/Symp.1) Planning for Aquaculture in Africa (CIFA/85/Symp.2) The Fisheries management of Eight African Lakes (CIFA/85/Symp.5) The Effects of the Sahelian Drought on the Fishery of the Central Niger Delta (CIFA/85/Symp.7) Community Participation in Integrated Small-scale [...]
Type: Publications
South and central America
Year: 1985
El trabajo comenta las razones que han llevado a la introducción de especies ícticas en las aguas continentales de América Latina (recreo, acuicultura, mejora de la productividad de las aguas, control de organismos indeseables y ornamento) y los peligros que [...]
Type: Publications
South and central America
Year: 1985
Este documento contiene 16 trabajos científicos presentados al Taller Internacional sobre Ecología y Manejo de Peces en Lagos y Embalses que se celebró en Santiago de Chile, en Noviembre de 1984, y en el cual participaron 24 expertos de 11 [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1985
Approximately 20 percent of Malawi is covered by water and its various rivers and lakes are extremely important elements in the economy and nutrition of the country. This bibliography lists the large and varied scientific literature which now exists on [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1985
This paper is concerned specifically with the problems of river fisheries and associated management issues. It deals in particular with the scope for building on traditional practices, through the participation of traditional fishing communities, as a means of improving the [...]
Type: Publications
South, southeast and east Asia
Year: 1985
Inland fisheries in multiple use of resources. This technical paper presents three case studies of inland fisheries in the context of a multiple-use of land and water resources in the humid tropics of Asia. Two of the three river basins are [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1985
Rivers drain all but the most arid areas of the earth through channels that are regu- lated by physical laws that impose on them certain forms. The ideal form is rarely encountered in practice and represents an end point to [...]