

Type: Publications
Year: 1995
A fish marketing study was carried out in Zimbabwe during October and November 1994. The study was a response to the absence of any up-to-date analysis of the current market situation in the country and the rapid changes occurring in [...]
Type: Publications
South, southeast and east Asia
Year: 1995
The existing literature on limnology and fisheries of Indian reservoirs has been reviewed by covering more than 100 reservoirs located in various parts of the country. An assessment of environment-mediated production functions of reservoirs has been attempted. Since the ecosystem [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1995
Presented ot the International Conference on Sustainable contribution of Fisheries to Food Security- Japan - December 1995. 
Type: Publications
Central and western Asia
Year: 1995
This publication contains four papers on general and specific aspects of inland fisheries in the arid region of Central Asia. It discusses the management approaches to maintain fish yields in an aquatic environment highly modified by engineering measures required for [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1995
The most important inland fisheries in southern Africa tend to be concentrated on large lakes, such as Tanganyika, Malawi and Kariba, or the floodplains and rivers in the northern parts of the region. The supply of fish is erratic in [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1995
The importance of environmental protection and conservation measures has been increasingly recognized during the past two decades. It is now generally accepted that economic development strategies must be compatible with environmental goals. This requires the incorporation of environmental dimensions into [...]
Type: Publications
South, southeast and east Asia
Year: 1994
The south and southeast Asian region is undergoing rapid growth both in its economies and its human populations. Fish is a popular item of diet in most countries of the region, and in many it is the major source of [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1994
Recent studies have found that, while Basotho - the people of Lesotho - eat fish if it is available, they lack knowledge about local fishery resources and fishing methods. As a result, the fishery resources of Lesotho's lowland reservoirs are [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1994
A one year study was carried out in two small water bodies in Malawi, southern Africa by ALCOM in collaboration with the Government of Malawi to test length-based, tag-recapture and empirical methods to estimate growth, mortality rates and fish production. Almost [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1994
In order improve the management of a fishery it is necessary to determine which species are present and in what quantities. Sampling of the fish stock is thus needed. For monitoring the effects of certain management strategies, it will also [...]