مصايد الأسماك الداخلية

Fisheries and aquatic biodiversity management in the Amazon

Overview of inland fisheries

This report is an overview of the present status of fisheries, other environmental issues, and their effect on freshwater biodiversity in the Amazon basin. A related set of specific recommended actions to protect biodiversity are described. It results from a desk study, in collaboration with FAO, in response to a series of initiatives by the World Bank and partners that attempt to increase focus on the sustainable use and development of all water-related resources in the Amazon basin.

The report contains a brief description of the basin environment (C), current fisheries, with an update on total fishery yields, are described in Chapter II. A brief overview of existing fishery regulations, their enforcement, and relevance (Chapter III) is followed by a discussion of the relevance of fisheries to aquatic biodiversity in the context of current management and conservation programs (Chapter IV). Finally, a set of recommendations, in the context of experiences in other systems and constraints within the system, is combined in a proposed outline for a future action plan (V).