Inland Fisheries

Source book for the inland fishery resources of Africa: 3. CIFA Technical Paper, No. 18.3

Overview of inland fisheries

The Source Book for the Inland Fishery Resources of Africa (SIFRA) is a compendium, water body-by-water body, country-by-country, of information on inland fisheries and related topics. The overall objective is to promote inland fisheries management and development by providing comprehensive information on Africa's inland fisheries in a uniform format, readily accessible to planners, policy makers and fishery workers.

The Source Book, presented in three books, is subdivided into 53 country and associated island files. The countries in Book 3 are: Algeria, Chad, Djibouti, Egypt, Ethiopia, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Somalia, Sudan, Tunisia, and West Sahara.

Each country file is subdivided into seven sections: Geography and Climate, Hydrography, Fishery Production and Potential, State of the Fishery, Key Bibliography, Water Bodies Directory, and Bibliography. Under the Water Bodies Directory in each country file the water bodies are presented in alphabetical order under four basic categories: Lakes; Rivers, Floodplains and Swamps; Reservoirs; and Coastal Lagoons. Inland water bodies are assumed to be located entirely within one country unless identified as “International waters” (indicated under the water body name).