
Phase one final report and recommendations: PART 2 - Fish species suitable for stocking and stocking strategies

Aquatic biodiversity and inland fisheries

Sepik River Fish Stock Enhancement Project PNG/85/001. Field Document Number 12/b

(1) This report details some species of fish considered appropriate for stocking the Sepik/Ramu Rivers.
(2) Fishes thought suitable for introduction have been divided into three categories: Category A (species whose introduction is recommended); Category B (species that are thought to be of particular interest which are presently being evaluated in detail) ; and, Category C (interesting species with longer-term potential). Only category A species are presently recommended. All other species under consideration are to be evaluated further by the project before it is prepared to recommend their introduction. Brief details of some of the category B and C species are given in order to illustrate the various options being evaluated.
(3) At present only three species are recommended (category A) . These are the introduction of Tilapia rendalli and the transfer (within PNG) of Osphronemus gouramy and Trichogaster pectoralis. Each of these species has been subject to an in-depth evaluation of their potential effects and the justification for their introduction in-line with procedures adopted under the code of practice adhered to by the project.
(4) Proposals and justifications for each of the three recommended species were reviewed by the independent project Advisory Group. The consensus of opinion of the Advisory Group was generally supportive of all three recommendations.
(5) One Advisory Group member (out of seven) mentioned certain critisicms of the proposed introduction of T. rendalli which are included for PNG to consider further. A number of Advisory Group members remarked that the introduction of 0. gouramy was perhaps less justifiable on the grounds of its possible low impact upon fisheries in the region.
(6) All three recommended species are considered approved for introduction through necessary procedures under the code of practice. However, PNG should consider whether to proceed with these introductions based upon comments received from the Advisory Group and further deliberation upon these by the project.
(7) Full details of all three present recommendations are included in the text, together with copies of all responses and comments received from the Advisory Group.