
Year: 1991
The Source Book for the Inland Fishery Resources of Africa (SIFRA) is a compendium, water body-by-water body, country-by-country, of information on inland fisheries and related topics. The overall objective is to promote inland fisheries management and development by providing comprehensive information [...]

Year: 1990
Between 18 January and 13 February, 1990, a frame survey (FS) was carried out in the project's working area comprising Lake Malombe, the Upper Shire River and the South East Arm of Lake Malawi (fig.1). The aim of the survey [...]

Year: 1990
The Source Book for the Inland Fishery Resources of Africa (SIFRA) is a compendium, water body-by-water body, country-by-country, of information on inland fisheries and related topics. The overall objective is to promote inland fisheries management and development by providing comprehensive information [...]

Year: 1990
The Source Book for the Inland Fishery Resources of Africa (SIFRA) is a compendium, water body-by-water body, country-by-country, of information on inland fisheries and related topics.The overall objective is to promote inland fisheries management and development by providing comprehensive information [...]
Year: 1990
EIFAC Technical Paper. No. 52. This document presents a summary of the geographical, historical, technical and institutional infrastructure of inland fisheries in European countries set out to standardize format for ease of comparison.
Year: 1990
As part of the preparatory phase of ALCOM's Pilot Project on the Utilization of Small Water Bodies in Botswana, a socio-economic survey was carried out amongst communities living around seven selected dams in south-eastern Botswana. The main aims of the [...]
Year: 1988
This volume contains 11 papers prepared on the theme of predator-prey relationships, population dynamics and fisheries productivities of African Lakes. The lakes include Malawi, Tanganyika, Victoria, Kivu, Kioga and Abaya as well as Kariba Reservoir.
South and central America
Year: 1988
Esta obra representa uno de los primeros intentos de recopilación regional de la información sobre artes y métodos de pesca en aguas continentales de América Latina. Se describen y presentan graficamente alrededor de 40 tipos de artes, para cada uno [...]
Year: 1987
The purpose of this study is to call attention to satellite remote sensing as a rapid, costeffective means to provide much of the basic information required to plan for the development and management of small water bodies for fisheries and [...]

Year: 1984
This is a brief review of small pelagic fishes and fisheries of Africa's large lakes and reservoirs. Small pelagic fishes have an important role to play in increasing Africa's inland water fish supply because the available potential generally has been [...]