Water Accounting
Year: 2017
A compilation of water-related indicators in selected African and Asian countries
This document contains supplementary material to the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper titled “Assessing water availability and related economic social and nutritional contributions provided by inland capture fishery and [...]
Year: 2016
This study provides an indicator-based framework for understanding the economic, social and nutritional contributions of inland capture fisheries and aquaculture and their links to available inland water resources. The framework proposes fourteen initial indicators to represent environmental, economic, social and [...]

Central and western Asia
Year: 2003
This Fisheries Technical Paper is a companion to the Report of the FAO Expert Consultation on the Use of Irrigation Systems for Sustainable Fish Production in Arid Countries of Asia (FAO Fisheries Report No. 679). The consultation was held at [...]
Year: 2003
Many fishery biologists and policy makers involved in inland fisheries management and planning are unaware of GIS technology and its potential for fisheries planning and management. The FAO Inland Water Resources and Aquaculture Service (FIRI) has been active for the [...]
Central and western Asia
Year: 1995
This publication contains four papers on general and specific aspects of inland fisheries in the arid region of Central Asia. It discusses the management approaches to maintain fish yields in an aquatic environment highly modified by engineering measures required for [...]

Year: 1990
This publication reviews the potential for fisheries production from irrigation canals. It deals with the subject under the following major headings: engineering aspects of irrigation systems; factors limiting fish production in canals; weed growth and associated problems in irrigation canals. [...]

South, southeast and east Asia
Year: 1985
Inland fisheries in multiple use of resources.
This technical paper presents three case studies of inland fisheries in the context of a multiple-use of land and water resources in the humid tropics of Asia. Two of the three river basins are [...]