Inland fishery enhancements. Papers presented at the FAO/DFID Expert Consultation on Inland Fishery Enhancements. Dhaka, Bangladesh, 7–11 April 1997

Inland fishery enhancements. Papers presented at the FAO/DFID Expert Consultation on Inland Fishery Enhancements. Dhaka, Bangladesh, 7–11 April 1997. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 374. Rome, FAO. 1998. 463p.
This document brings together the twenty-eight papers presented at the Expert Consultation on Inland Fishery Enhancements, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 7–11 April 1997. The Expert Consultation was jointly organized by FAO and the Department for International Development of the United Kingdom and hosted by the Government of Bangladesh.
The major objective of the Expert Consultation was to promote better understanding of how the various factors involved in implementing inland fisheries enhancement programmes must fit together to achieve success. Accordingly, the papers span a broad range of topics including technical, socio-economic, cultural and administrative aspects. Enhancements are addressed globally in terms of techniques, geographic constraints, problems of information gathering and of monitoring, and genetics. Because of its relative importance as an enhancement technique, stocking received much attention, including strategies, modelling and prediction of results, health management and fitness of stocked fish as well as stocking experiences by types of water bodies. Cage culture was dealt with in terms of its importance, promotion through extension, and limitations. Other papers broadly covered social and economic benefits and their distribution, institutions, and self-and participatory management. Country reviews, dealing very broadly with enhancements, are also included.
This Technical Paper is a companion to the Report of the Expert Consultation on Inland Fishery Enhancements, FAO Fisheries Report No. 559, that deals with the administrative aspects of the meeting and sets out the conclusions and recommendations of the participants.