
Year: 1970
At its Sixth Session (Krakow, Poland, May 1970), the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission (EIFAC) endorsed the recommendation of Sub-Commission I at the Fifth Session (Rome, Italy, May 1968) for “a meeting of appropriate experts to pursue the eel study” [...]
Year: 1970
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations commissioned the U.S. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife to prepare a review of literature on the reclamation of ponds, lakes, and streams with fish toxicants. Total or partial reclamation of [...]
In the execution of the intensive programme of rehabilitation and development of its fisheries, the Inland Fisheries Trust Incorporated found itself handicapped by the lack of an effective means of speedily managing and controlling large populations of various kinds of [...]
In the discharge of its primary objectives, which are to promote improvements in inland fisheries and to advise Member Governments and FAO on inland fishery matters and, specifically, in the exercise of one of its functions, i.e., to assist in [...]