Chaque année, à l'occasion de la Journée internationale des forêts, nous célébrons les forêts et les arbres, qui pourvoient à nos besoins essentiels et ont une fonction protectrice. Cette année, l'accent sera mis en particulier sur le rôle essentiel que jouent les forêts dans l'approvisionnement des populations du monde en eau douce, élément indispensable à la vie.
Les forêts et l'eau à l'honneur 21 mars 2016
Comment allez-vous célébrer cette journée?
Vous souhaitez prendre part à la Journée internationale des forêts mais vous ne savez pas comment? Voici cinq idées.
1. Visionnez et faites circuler les vidéos en lien avec la Journée internationale des forêts
2. Jouez au quiz de cette année – Testez vos connaissances sur les forêts et l'eau – et partagez vos résultats sur les médias sociaux.
3. Organisez ou rejoignez une manifestation qui met les forêts à l'honneur – une plantation d'arbres, un colloque, une exposition artistique, un concours de photos. Faites-le nous savoir en nous adressant un courriel à [email protected] et envoyez-nous vos photos afin que nous puissions ajouter votre activité à la liste des manifestations qui se dérouleront à travers le monde
4. Diffusez le logo, la bannière et les affiches (disponibles en 13 langues) de la Journée
5. Participez aux échanges sur les médias sociaux en utilisant le hashtag #IntlForestDay – faites circuler les messages clés ou affichez une photo de votre forêt favorite et partagez avec vos amis.
International Day of Forests photo gallery
Photo gallery: See how people around the world celebrated the Day.
- Headlight/Addis Ababa Youth Association celebrations in Addis Ababa
Murcia, Spain
Espacios Naturales Región de Murcia, 7 - 31 March 2016 Spain, Murcia
Description: Guided walks, tree plantings, photographic competition/exhibition and activities for children in the protected natural areas of the Murcia region of Spain
Rouen, France: Exposition
Muséum de Rouen
12 March - 25 September 2016
France, Muséum D'Histoire Naturelle, Rouen
Miscellaneous documents: Press kit (French)
Description: Nous présentons depuis samedi 12 mars une exposition intitulée "Arbres".
Photo Exhibition, Geneva
UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section
14 - 24 March 2016
Switzerland, La Passarelle, Palais des Nations, Geneva
Description: Experience forest inspired photos by Jean-Jacques Kissling displayed in La Passerelle from 14 to 24 March 2016.
International Day of Forests, Mexico
Comisión Nacional Forestal de México
15 - 21 March 2016
Mexico, Multiple venues
Miscellaneous documents: Programme of events around the country (Spanish)
Forests for the Future, New Forests for Africa conference
16 - 17 March 2016
Ghana, Accra
Description: The initiative ‘Forests for the Future – New Forests for Africa’ has been established with the aim to stimulate and drive large scale reforestation in Africa. The target to reach 100 million hectares of new forests, which African nations have set them themselves is of an exceptional size. To realize this, African leaders see the need for sustainable forestry projects based on a long-term approach and multi-stakeholder benefit. They particularly see the benefit to intensify the cooperation with the private sector as they have the resources, innovation and the ability to deliver. ‘Forests for the Future – New Forests for Africa’ is a multi-stakeholder movement of forest plantation companies, financial institutions, governments, NGO’s and local communities who will actively set up projects and initiatives to boost reforestation with the focus on degraded land. There are several issues that need attention: like education, awareness and availability of land. The key enabler for reforestation is access to finance. Funds need to become aware of the huge impact they will have when investing in forestry.
Valladolid, Spain: Quick Urban Forest
El Ayuntamiento de Valladolid
17 March 2016
Spain, Valladolid
We`ve just celebrated International Day of Forest with more than 300 children on Thursday 17th because in Spain this week is Easter. We celebrate this day with many activities (plantation, schools conferences, and other educational activities) in the place where we are working in a European project: QUICK URBAN FOREST
Madrid Zoo Aquarium
18 - 29 March 2016
Spain, Madrid Zoo Aquarium
Taller especial de campamentos de Semana Santa para niños de 4-14 años dedicado al “Día internacional de los bosques”. ¿Qué harían los animales sin el color de las selvas y bosques que sirven de hogar y alimento para muchos de ellos? Se lo mostraremos a través de diferentes actividades educativas y recorridos didácticos a lo largo de las especies más representativas que habitan en los cinco continentes. Con motivo del Día Internacional de Síndrome de Down, Fundación Down Madrid en colaboración con Faunia y Fundación Parques Reunidos inauguran la exposición “Arte y fotografía” firmada por artistas y miembros de la asociación. Aprovechando la coincidencia de esta fecha con el Día Internacional de las Bosques, se pretende aunar naturaleza, infancia y educación en un taller infantil en el que los niños aprenderán cómo plantar un árbol a través de las explicaciones de un experto en jardinería y un miembro del SEPRONA les transmitirá la importancia de cuidar nuestros bosques y contribuir así a la preservación de la biodiversidad.
Portugal: FUTURE - 100,000 trees in the Metropolitan Area of Oporto
City Council of Santo Tirso
19 March 2016
Portugal, Castro do Monte Padrão, Santo Tirso
Miscellaneous documents: Invitation (Portuguese)
Maintenance of the forest area of Monte Padrão
L'office français de la Fondation pour l’Education à l’Environnement en Europe (of-FEEE)
19 - 26 March 2016
France, Over 200 venues around France
Description: Il y a 200 activités organisées. Découvrez le programme online.
Philippines: Photo exhibition and celebrations
Third-year students of AB Communication Arts, jointly with the Environmental Science for Social Change, as well as with the support of DZRH News AM of the Manila Broadcasting Company.
21 March 2016
Philippines, World Citi College,
Miscellaneous documents: Programme
Description: This year’s class of Communication and Society in World Citi College is organizing the celebration of the International Day of Forests on 21 March 2016 at the College Lobby. The celebration will consist of a half-day event aimed to raise awareness on the multiple links between forests and water sources. The main event is the photo exhibit which will showcase the Asia-Pacific forests. Meanwhile, some case studies emphasizing forest ecosystem services and forest management initiatives in Mindanao will also be shown. The event is organized by the third-year students of AB Communication Arts, jointly with the Environmental Science for Social Change, as well as with the support of DZRH News AM of the Manila Broadcasting Company.
IUCN Pakistan, Ministry of Climate Change, Capital Development Authority Bahria University, Air University and Fatima Jinnah Women University
21 March 2016
Pakistan, Bahria University Islamabad
Miscellaneous documents: Agenda | Invitation
Symposium, Republic of Korea
Korea Forest Service
21 March 2016 14:00
Republic of Korea, National Institute of Forest Science
Official documents:
Video: Greetings from FAO – Celebrating the International Day of Forests 2016 in Republic of Korea
Miscellaneous documents: Symposium programme
Description: The Republic of Korea is celebrating UN’s International Day of Forest (March 21) by raising awareness of the importance of forest in the context of water and identifying climate change strategies in the forest sector to develop readiness for the new climate change regime Keynote speech by Jaecheol Choi, Ambassador for Climate Change, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Other speakers include Joohoon Im, Director, National Institute of Forest Science, Seungwoo Park, Professor, Seoul National University, Mira Lee, Director, Korea Forest Service, and Hosik Jeon, Researcher, Green Technology Center
Islamabad: Footprints of Leviathan - dwindling forests of Pakistan
Riphah Institute of Public Policy (RIPP), Riphah International University Islamabad in collaboration with PRIME (Policy Research Institute)
21 March 2016
Pakistan, RIPP campus, Islamabad
Miscellaneous documents: Programme
Description: Riphah Institute of Public Policy (RIPP), Riphah International University Islamabad in collaboration with PRIME (Policy Research Institute) is organizing a Seminar on "THE FOOTPRINTS OF LEVIATHAN; DWINDLING FORESTS OF PAKISTAN" in context with UN-International Day of Forests on Monday, 21st March 2016 at RIPP Campus located at Ground Floor, Evacuee Trust Complex, next to Marriott Hotel Sector F-5 Islamabad From 3.00PM to 5.00PM.
Belgium: La forêt et l'eau : une alliance bénéfique pour l'homme
FNRS “Forêts, Nature et Sociétés
21 March 2016, Belgium , Auditoire SUD 01 (Place Croix du Sud, Louvain-La-Neuve)
Soirée de conférence dans le cadre de la Journée internationale des forêts, organisée par le groupe de contact FNRS “Forêts, Nature et Sociétés”
Forests, water and ecosystems workshop, Geneva
UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section
21 March 2016
Switzerland, Salle VII, Palais des Nations, Geneva
Miscellaneous documents: Flyer
Description: The UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section will celebrate the International Day of Forests at the Palais des Nations in Geneva on 21 March 2016. The event is organized jointly with the UNECE Secretariat of the Water Convention and its Protocol on Water and Health, the Housing and Land Management Unit and the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, with the support from the Government of Switzerland. This year’s event will be organized under the theme “Forests and Water” and will aim to raise awareness on the multiple links between forests and water sources. Forests and wetlands depend on water sources but at the same time forest ecosystems sustain water quality and help mitigate the risks of water-related natural disasters. Sustainable forest management plays an important role in supporting the provision of water related ecosystem services. The event will feature country experiences and case studies emphasizing forest ecosystem services safeguarding water balance and supply as well as forests’ role in increasing landscape resilience to water-related hazards.
International Day of Forests EU-Agri Forest Quiz
DG Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission
21 March 2016
Belgium , Facebook
Description: On the occasion of the International Day of Forests (21 March), DG AGRI is organising a "Forest Quiz"! Do you know how many cubic metres of wood grow in EU forests every second? The 3 replies that are closest to the correct answer by 21/3 win and will receive a copy of the publication "Tales from our Forests" produced by DG AGRI! We will publish the correct answer on the International Day of Forests.
21 March 2016 Fiji, Suva
Description: Tree plantings, poster presentation at schools, quiz competition.
USAID's CREL project in Bangladesh
21 March 2016
Bangladesh, Dhaka
Description: This video is produced by USAID's Climate- Resilient Ecosystems and Livelihoods (CREL) Project. This is part of International Day of Forests 2016 events. Bangladesh Forest Department and Winrock International supported in production of this video.
LIFE Project Renaix el Bosc, Valencia
Comunidad Valenciana
21 March 2016
Spain, Morella (Castellón) Comunidad Valenciana
Description: Para la celebración del Día Internacional de los Bosques organizamos una actividad dirigida al público infantil y sus familiares. A través del relato y proyección de la adaptación del cuento "El árbol que no tenía hojas" daremos valor a la naturaleza y su conservación, creando un ambiente mágico que culminará con la plantación en una zona significativa de Morella "La Alameda" que se encuentra próxima a la guardería del municipio, para que los más pequeños puedan continuar admirando y celebrando durante todo el año el Día de los Bosques.
21 March 2016
Ghana, Accra
Description: FAO held a press conference in Accra to mark the International Day of Forests themed “Forests and Water”. Ghana’s Minister for Lands and Natural Resources Mr. Nii Osah Mills, attributed the recent shortage of water, experienced in some parts of Ghana to the drying up of rivers, making young and children and women traveling for long distances in search of water. The Minister called for more trees to be planted along water bodies to prevent them from drying up, saying when sustainably managed, forests contribute significantly to reducing soil erosion and the risk of landslides and avalanches, natural disasters which can disrupt the source and supply of freshwater. On his part, Mr. Bukar Tijani, FAO Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative for Africa recalled that nearly 80 percent of the world’s population are exposed to high levels of threat to water security. Africa is one of the regions of the world that is likely to be most negatively impacted by the phenomenon of climate change.
Association pour la protection de l'Environnement d'Ait-Oumalou
21 March 2016
Algeria, Tizi-Ouzou
Description: L'association des diabétiques de la wilaya de Tizi-Ouzou en collaboration avec l'association pour la protection de l'Environnement d'Ait-Oumalou,organise la célébration de la journée internationale des forets a travers un programme de plantation d'arbres qui sera mené par un groupe d'enfants diabétiques au niveau d'un collège et d'un établissement de jeunes . L'opération de plantation sera encadrer par des membres de nos associations avec le concours des services des forets de la wilaya,direction et personnels du collège en présence des autorités . L'objectif: -Sensibiliser et informer les enfants sur l'importance des forets . -Education sanitaire des enfants
Bangkok: Student debate
21 March 2016
Thailand, Bangkok
Official documents: Press release
Description: To celebrate the upcoming Intl Day of Forests (IDF) RECOFTC, UNEP and FAO are planning a student debate on 'forests & water' here in Bangkok on Monday, 21 March. Eight debate teams from universities and international schools are sending teams to debate on these topics:
- Forests increase water quantity
- Forests consume water so there is less water for humans and agriculture
- Forests reduce the likelihood of flooding
- Investing in forest restoration decreases the cost of providing clean water to people
21 March 2016
Germany, Bavaria
Miscellaneous documents: More information
Description: Come in – proHolz Bayern forest signs invite you to a informative visit in the forest. proHolz Bayern uses the International Day of Forests for the campaign Forest signs. Together with the forest owners association Holzkirchen proHolz Bayern has inaugurated the first forest sign in Upper Bavaria called “Wir pflegen. Sie Erleben. – we tend (the forest). You experience (the forest).”. The signs should visualize that a sustainable forestry with sense and energy, as it is done in Bavaria for generations, enables us to experience and use all the great forest pictures and the numerous forest functions. The forest signs are going to be distributed to the forest owners associations in Bavaria during the next months
21 March 2016
Egypt, Cairo
Official documents:
- Press release: FAO concludes celebrations of the International Day of Forests and World Water Da
- Press release: More Green Egypt for the future generations
- Press release: More Green to Save Water
Description: One of the main activities carried out by FAO regional office this week was planting 70 trees in 6th of October City in collaboration with the New Urban Communities Authority, and the Ministry of agriculture and land reclamation, in the presence of a number of officials. FAO participated as well at the regional celebration of the World Water Day 2016, organized by the Bibliotheca Alexandrina in the presence of representatives from ILO and UNESCO, in addition to the faculty and students from Alexandria university. The celebration included the regional launch of this year’s multi agencies’ edition of the World Water Development Report (WWDR-2016) under the theme of “Water and Jobs”. Finally, FAO hosted 60 students from the Faculty of Agriculture at Cairo University, to commemorate the International Day of Forests that is held under the moto “ Forests and Water”. The students were introduced to FAO’s Strategic Objectives; the newly adopted Sustainable Development Goals; and FAO’s role for the eradication ofHunger, Poverty and Water Scarcity.
Centenary Campaign Launch: 20 Million Trees for Kenya's Forests
International Tree Foundation
21 March 2016
United Kingdom, The Royal Institution, London
Description: This is for the launch of the International Tree Foundation’s Centenary Campaign – to plant 20 Million Trees in Kenya’s most important forests. ITF has a long track record of working with local communities in Kenya and numerous other African countries to improve biodiversity and the environment and improve livelihoods through tree-planting and agroforestry. The 20m Trees Campaign, which will be run jointly with Mount Kenya Environmental Conservation and other key partners in Kenya, is our biggest and most ambitious campaign yet. We are returning to Kenya because it is here that ITF was founded in 1922 by Richard St Barbe Baker and Chief Josiah Njonjo as “Watu wa miti” in Swahili, which translates as “People of the Trees”. In 1924 Richard ‘St Barbe’ Baker founded the UK organisation as “Men of the Trees,” now the International Tree Foundation.
Corporación Nacional Forestal (CONAF), FAO, Ministry of Agriculture21 March 2016Chile, SantiagoDescription: Press conference
Ministry of Environment of Colombia
21 March 2016
Colombia, Bogotá
Costa Rica
Asociación para el Manejo de Bosques de la Península de Osa (AMAOSA)
21 March 2016
Costa Rica, Reserva Forestal Golfo Dulce
Description: En la Reserva Forestal Golfo Dulce, en el Pacífico sur de Costa Rica, celebramos el Día Internacional de Los Bosques con la realización de un día de campo con productores forestales de la Asociación para el Manejo de Bosques de la Península de Osa (AMAOSA) y otros productores forestales de la zona. El día de campo lo titulamos "Cosecha de árboles caídos en Bosques: Aporte a la economía rural y a la adaptación al Cambio Climático" Fue un bonito intercambio de saberes y conocimientos con este grupo de productores forestales, con muchas lecciones aprendidas y muchas ideas de proyectos a desarrollar en el corto y mediano plazo.
Headlight Events
21 March 2016
Ethiopia, Gullele forestry centre, Addis Ababa
Description: More than 180 youths were present at Gullele forestry center which is the biggest in Addis Ababa City. The youth participants engaged in care for seedlings planted in August 2015. The Addis Ababa Youth Association with its leaders and members were present and will continue collaborating with Headlight events.
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
21 March 2016
Ethiopia, Addis Ababa
Official documents: Ethiopian News Agency: Nation's forest coverage increasing, says ministry
Description: Panel discussion on national TV, talk show on national radio.
European State Forest Association
21 March 2016
Belgium , Brussels
Miscellaneous documents: Press release
Description: The European forest owners, managers, forest industry and professionals, represented by key stakeholders of the European forest sector: CEPF, Copa-Cogeca, ELO, EUSTAFOR, CEI-Bois, CEPI, FECOF, UEF and USSE, welcome the declaration by the UN General Assembly of the International Day of Forests on 21 March which this year has the theme “Forests and Water”.
Farmers Field Day, Kenya
Kenya Forestry Research Institute and Laikipia County Government
21 March 2016
Kenya, Kinamba Primary School, Laikipia Country
Description: KEFRI celebrated the day by holding a farmers field day jointly with Laikipia County Government at Kinamba Primary School in Laikipia County, Kenya. The event was attended by over 600 stakeholders who interacted with KEFRI experts and many other exhibitors.
Finland: ”My Tree” – kids’ tree fest all across Finland!
21 March 2016
Finland, Multiple venues
Miscellaneous documents: Pine seeds – soil - water, light, warmth – result in lively little trees
Description: Over 10 000 pine seeds will be sown by 8000 children and 1000 teachers from more than 220 kindergartens, schools and other educational institutions, in celebration of the International Day of Forests, 21 March 2016
Gujarat, India
ASPEE College of Horticulture and Forestry
21 March 2016
India, ASPEE College of Horticulture and Forestry
Miscellaneous documents: Invitation
Description: We, ASPEE College of Horticulture and Forestry, are going to celebrate World Forestry Day on 21 March 2016 in collaboration with State Forest Department. Our institute is the only institute in Gujarat State of India which imparting undergraduate and post graduate level degree programmes.
Ministry of Agriculture
21 March 2016
Hungary, Ministry of Agriculture
The event will be hosted by the Minister of Agriculture, responsible for forestry issues in Hungary, along with the President of the National Forestry Association celebrating its 150th anniversary. The place of the venue is the Ministry of Agriculture where high-level representatives will also inaugurate the statue of the Association’s first Secretary, prominent State Secretary of that time, one of the founders of the sustainable forest management legislation in Hungary.
State Forest Research and Training Institute
21 March 2016
India, State Forest Research and Training Institute, Chhattisgar
Miscellaneous documents: Programme of events
Junior Chamber International Adoor Town Chapter; Forestry Club, Christian College
21 March 2016
India, Kerala
As part of its UNSDG programme (Take Care of Earth) titled HARITHA SANJEEVANI, Junior Chamber International Adoor Town Chapter (Kerala, India) celebrated the IDF 2016 in association with Forestry Club, Christian College, Chengannur. The importance of forests in fresh water supply around the world was elucidated by student secretary of the Club Ms. Chinnu Vishwanathan. Dr. Abhilash R, LOM President gave the Green Year Resolution. A presentation on two FOREST HEROES (Mr. Kareem - Kerala and Berta Caseres - Honduras) who dedicated their life for forest conservation was followed. Later students planted tree saplings in the college campus.
Indonesia - tree planting
Ministry of Environment and Forestry
21 March 2016
Indonesia, Subang, West Java
Miscellaneous documents:
- Tree planting in Subang, West Java led by the Minister. In her speech she encouraged people to plant at least 25 trees in their lifetime
- Talk show by senior and leading forestry figures and young foresters.
- Infographic competition for public with the theme “Protect forests: protect our water and air”. Three winners will be awarded a tour to Gunung Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, Kawah Ijen Eco-Tourism Natural Park, and Bali Barat National Park
- Around 100 elementary school children will be involved in the Workshop Biodiversity Warriors Go to School at the end of March
KKL-JNF21 March 2016
Israel, Israel
Latvia: Video
Latvia's State Forests LVM
21 March 2016
Latvia, Riga
Official documents:
Video: Greetings from Latvia – Celebrating the International Day of Forests 2016
Ministry of Agriculture, Animal and Marine Wealth State of Libya
21 March 2016
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Tripoli, Libya
في اطار الاستعداد للاحتفال باليوم الدولي للغابات تمت المباشرة بتشجير وأعادة تشجير بعض المواقع في عدد من المدن والبلديات بليبيا بمشاركة عدد من مؤسسات التعليمية والكشافة ومنظمات المجتمع المدني ضمن برامج ادارة الغابات والمراعي بوزارة الزراعة والثروة الحيوانية والبحرية بدولة ليبيا ؛ بهدف تعزيز الوعي بأهمية التشجير وفؤائد الغابات والمشجرات .
Lima: Diálogo por el futuro de los bosques
Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID) y Desarrollo (AECID) Embajada de España en Perú
21 March 2016
Peru, Lima
Miscellaneous documents: Programme (Spanish)
Private Forest Owners Association
21 March 2016
Lithuania, Online
Mangrove planting campaign, Karachi
Pakistan Navy in Collaboration with Ministry of Climate Change, Provincial Forest Departments of Sindh and Balochistan and IUCN Pakistan
21 March 2016
Pakistan, Karachi
Description: The event is being organized by Pakistan Navy to inaugurate Chief of the Naval Staff’s Mangrove Planting Campaign with a target of planting of one million mangrove plants in the coastal areas of Pakistan. The ceremony will be chaired by the Chief of Naval Staff and will be attended by representatives from federal and provincial governments, IUCN Pakistan, civil society, private sector, academia and research institutions and media. The event will highlight role of mangroves in coastal protection and climate change mitigation. IUCN Pakistan under its flagship regional initiative, Mangroves for the Future Programme is providing technical support to Pakistan Navy along with the Federal Ministry of Climate Change and provincial forestry departments of Balochistan and Sindh provinces.
New York
UNFF Secretariat and UN Water
21 March 2016
United States of America, UN Headquarters
Nigeria: Drama presentation
Federal College of Forestry
21 March 2016
Nigeria, Federal College of Forestry, Ibadan
Drama presentation by the students of the Federal College of Forestry
Nigeria Symposium: Savanna Forestry Research Station (SFRS), Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, Samaru - Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria
21 March 2016
Nigeria, Federal Government Girls College (FGGC), Basawa - Zaria, Kaduna State (North West Nigeria)
- Lecture presentation by a Research Scientist from the SFRS, Zaria, North West Nigeria
- Free tree seedlings donation to the School and
- Tree planting Exercise that was personally led by the School Principal
- A pledge by the School Management to take issues of afforestation very seriously as according to them, the Symposium had successfully educated both staff and students of the school
- The Formation of a "Young Foresters Club" to further educate the students on issues relating to trees, forest and the environment on a sustainable basis
Nigeria: Tour and talks
Assoc. of Women in Forestry & Environment
21 March 2016
Nigeria, Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria
Description: The 2016 International Day of Forests was celebrated at Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria (FRIN) Conference hall with theme ‘‘Forests and Water’’. AWIFE took an active role in the celebration. An opening remark was delivered by the President of AWIFE (Dr. Aderonke Adio) who represented the Executive Director of FRIN. She highlighted the importance of protecting our water bodies and gave an example of the Lake Chad that has shrunk from about 22,000 Sq km to less than 2,000 Sq km. Some lecturers, researchers, students and farmers were in attendance. As part of the activities earmarked to celebrate the Day, FRIN organized a tour for participants to the Asunmagbe watershed located within the premises of the Institute. In addition, a talk was given by the guest speaker, Dr. Ajewole from the department of Forest Resources Management, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.
21 March 2016
Niue, Niue
Tree plantings, poster presentation at schools, quiz competition
Papua New Guinea
PNG Forest Authority
21 March 2016
Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby
L’office français de la Fondation pour l’Education à l’Environnement en Europe (of-FEEE)
21 March 2016
France, Lycéé Honoré de Balzac, Paris
Description: Proclamée en 2011 par l’ONU le 21 mars de chaque année, la Journée internationale des forêts met à l’honneur partout dans le monde la forêt, l’arbre et le bois, dans l’objectif de faire connaître au grand public leur multifonctionnalité. Cette année, une multitude de manifestations locales auront lieu sur tout le territoire français du 19 au 27 mars. Pour célébrer sa 3ème saison en France et la montée en puissance de sa dimension éducative, l’of-FEEE et ses partenaires vous convient dans un lieu illustrant la portée pédagogique et citoyenne de l’opération : un lycée parisien, dans lequel ont été plantés 48 arbres.
Polish Ministry of the Environment
21 March 2016
Poland, Warsaw
Quezon, Philippines
Community Environment and Natural Resources Office
21 March 2016
Philippines, Quezon
Miscellaneous documents: Press release
21 March 2016
Italy, Rome, FAO Hqs, Sheikh Zayed Centre
Official documents:
- Photo gallery
- Press release
- Programme
- Video: FAO Headquarters marks the International Day of Forests
Miscellaneous documents: Programme
Description: At FAO headquarters, the Director-General will open a special event on Forests and Water, followed by presentations explaining forests’ integral role in water security and supply. Representatives from the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Morocco will share their respective country experiences in forest-water management, and FAO staff will present FAO’s new forest and water programme, which focuses on forests as part of the solution for improving water and food security.
Saudia Arabia Field Days
FAO-Saudi Arabia Technical Cooperation Programme
21 March 2016
Saudi Arabia, Beljurashi and Al Mandag, Al Baha Province
Description: The FAO-Saudi Arabia technical cooperation programme, represented by the Project on “Sustainable Management of Natural Forests and Rangelands in KSA (UTF/SAU/039/SAU), has celebrated the International Day of Forests - 2016, by implementing two field days on 21-22 March in Al Baha Province. The field days were aimed at increasing awareness about forest conservation and sustainability and dissemination of the Project findings regarding the Juniper ecosystem rehabilitation in Sarawat Mountains.
Sri Lanka
Sri Lankan Forest Department and Sri Lanka UN-REDD Programme, 21 March 2016 Sri Lanka, Colombo
Miscellaneous documents: Event article published by MIHIRA Children's Newspaper (Sinhalese)
Sweden: Golden Twig Award
Swedish Forestry Association
21 March 2016
Sweden, Stockholm
Miscellaneous documents:Press release
Description: On the International Day of Forests (21st of March) the Swedish Forestry Association wants to raise awareness of the importance of all types of forests on a global level. Therefore we want to announce that Peter Holmgren, Director General of CIFOR, has been awarded the Golden Twig. The Golden Twig is one of the most regarded awards within the Swedish forestry sector and is presented to the award winner by the Swedish king, His Majesty Carl XVI Gustaf.
Forestry Department of Basel
21 March 2016
Switzerland, Basel
Miscellaneous documents: Flyer | Medienmitteilung
Department of Forestry
21 March 2016
Tajikistan, Dushanbe
Description: Exhibition of ornamental trees and shrubs, as well as the sale of fertile trees in honor of the International Forest Day on March 21 and the World Nowruz holiday
Observatory of Fauna, Flora and Protected Areas of Togo
21 March 2016
Togo, La forêt classée d'Amédé Hoévé (la plus proche de Lomé au Togo)
Description: Cette journée sera célébrée dans la forêt classée d'Amédé Hoévé (la plus proche de Lomé au Togo) en compagnie du professeur Kokou Kouami (Grand Botaniste d'Afrique de l'Ouest). Au programme de la journée (observation et excursion dans la forêt, découverte de la flore avec le professeur, observation de la faune avec les membres de l'OFFAP, présentation de quelques aires protégées forestières du sud Togo, sensibilisation sur les différences entre les forêts naturelles et les forêts plantées leurs intérêts, , information sur les écolabels, certifications (FSC et PEFC), puis pour terminer présentation des missions passées de l'OFFAP sur les forêts galeries du fleuve Mono, et sur les missions futures en projet.
Uganda: Greening Uganda
21 March 2016
Uganda, Kampala
Official documents:
Description:Together with our corporate partners, schools, colleges, universities and urban municipalities, we plan to plant 30,000 trees, 50% shade ornamental seedlings, 30% fruit seedlings, & 20% woodlot.
Valladolid, Spain: Trees in the city
Ayuntamiento de Valladolid
21 March 2016
Spain, Online
Description: As a tribute to forests, the city of Valladolid (Spain) has created a municipal website devoted specifically to the trees in the city, and will be presented tomorrow March 21, 2016, coinciding with the International Day of Forests. The purpose is to raise awareness of the vital role they play, and publicize the unique species found throughout the city. Through be accessible to both the location, and the list of species, with their description and photographs and texts by famous authors.The City Council will include this resource in their classroom activities Environmental Education Campo Grande, so that the school can learn to distinguish the different species, playing to locate them. In addition, it will be integrated into the program of educational activities next year as an educational resource for schools.
Vanuatu Forestry Department
21 March 2016
Vanuatu, Port Vila
Official documents: Video: Director General of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fisheries & Biosecurity, Howard Aru
Miscellaneous documents: Programme
Description: Tree plantings and launch of Forestry Week, the Decade of Reforestation and One Million Trees Strategy in Vanuatu.
Video from the Sierra Nevada Conservancy
Sierra Nevada Conservancy
21 March 2016
United States of America, Online
Official documents: Video: International Day of Forests 2016
Description: The Sierra Nevada Conservancy is participating in the 2016 International Day of Forests celebration via our social media accounts. We composed a video for sharing and credited FAO for the logo. Thank you for allowing us to participate in this very important event!
21 March 2016
Zimbabwe, Kambuzuma High School, Harare
Miscellaneous documents: Summary
Description: Zimbabwe will celebrate IDF on Monday the 21st of March 2016 at Kambuzuma High School in the capital, Harare. Our Sub-Regional Coordinator for Southern Africa and FAO Representative in Zimbabwe will attend the occasion as the Guest of Honor and will lead the gathering in the planting of trees as part of the celebrations.
Puglia: Bosco Incoronata Spring Birds
Centro Studi Naturalistici ONLUS [[email protected] ]
21 March 2016 - 22 March 2016
Italy, Foggia
Description: The Centro Studi Naturalistici ONLUS (NG) organized a 2-day event, dedicated to the knowledge of the birds of a beautiful wood called "Bosco Incoronata" (Italy - Apulia - Foggia). It is one of the last lowland forests of southern Italy, currently regional natural reserve.
In this area there is an ongoing LIFE project (in which the event was organized) with the aim of improving the ecological situation of the forest through restore habitats and restocking of amphibians and reptiles species.
Turkey Forest Week
Turkish Forest Service; Directorate General of Forestry; Foresters' Association for Green Turkey; Bolu Regional Forest Directorate
21 March 2016 - 30 April 2016
Turkey, Bolu province; Eskisehir; Istanbul
Description: Planting in Eskisehir; planting the first seedling of the spring in İstanbul. Similar activities to be done in Ankara, Konya, Aksaray and Denizli provinces.
Protocol ceremonies; courtesy visits to the varied institutions; planting ceremonies; free distribution of seedlings to people and public awareness programmes at schools; theatre performances; culture-art and sport competitions
Forest City Project, Brussels
European State Forest Association (EUSTAFOR)
21 March 2016 - 5 June 2016
Belgium , Brussels
Official documents: News
Description: Coming in Spring 2016 to Brussels, Revolve presents an exhibition of forest images in the European Quarter. Launching on March 21, the International Day of Forests and the first day of spring, the #ForestCityProject will go throughout the spring culminating on the World Environment Day on June 5, 2016.
Málaga, Spain: Importance of bees and forests
Bee Garden
22 March 2016 12:00
Spain, Aula Apícola y Medioambiental Bee Garden, Málaga
IFSA26 March 2016 - 27 March 2016
Indonesia, Bulaksalak Village, Cangkringan
Description: International Forestry Student's Association Local Committe Universitas Gadjah Mada (IFSA LC UGM) X Asian Medical Student Association Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada (AMSA FK UGM). After the talkshow on 18th March 2016, an event will be held in Bulaksalak Village, Cangkringan on 26-27th March 2016. We’ll plant bamboo together and work with AMSA to provide health care for local society.
San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid
El Colegio de Ingenieros de Montes, el Ayuntamiento de San Lorenzo de El Escorial y la Dirección General de Medio Ambiente de la Comunidad de Madrid
2 April 2016
Spain, San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid
Description: 100 años de la repoblación del Monte Abantos. Se cumple un siglo desde que acabaron las tareas de repoblación del Monte Abantos, en San Lorenzo de El Escorial (Madrid). No hace tanto tiempo, algo más de cien años, esta maravilla natural estaba “totalmente despoblado de especies arbóreas; en muchos sitios de todo tapiz vegetal o cubierta viva; en algunos falta hasta la tierra mineral, hallándose la roca al descubierto”, según figura en un informe de 1891. El Colegio de Ingenieros de Montes, el Ayuntamiento de San Lorenzo de El Escorial y la Dirección General de Medio Ambiente de la Comunidad de Madrid escogieron la celebración del Día Internacional de los Bosques para conmemorar esta centenaria fecha.
Costa Rica
Oficina Nacional Forestal
7 April 2016
Costa Rica, Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía de Costa Rica
Description: En la ceremonia, FAO junto a la Comisión Nacional de Sostenibilidad Forestal, premió a los siguientes casos ejemplares de Manejo Forestal Sostenible: FUNDECOR, BARCA S.A., FERLO (apoyado técnicamente por CODEFORSA), Los Nacientes S.A., Reserva Monte Alto, Universidad EARTH y Centro Agrícola Cantonal de Hojancha, entre otros. Este concurso es replicado a nivel de Latinoamérica y el Caribe y ha premiado a productores desde el 2010.
Indonesia: Launch of the National Movement for Wildlife Conservation
National Movement for Wildlife Conservation
14 April 2016
Indonesia, Pulau Karya, Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta
Description: Still in the series of activities in commemorating the International Day of Forests 2016, the President of the Republic Indonesia, H.E. Joko Widodo launched the National Movement for Wildlife Conservation at Pulau Karya, Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta on 14 April 2016. Besides transplanting coral and planting mangroves, the President together with invitees including ambassadors and other diplomats, officials of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, the local government, NGOs and community, reintroduced 3 eagles, 4 hawksbill sea turtles, and 200 hawksbill hatchlings. The reintroduction was also undertaken simultaneously in other provinces. Minister of Environment and Forestry Siti Nurbaya reported to the president that 1.478 turtles, 159 hawksbills, 159 hawksbill hatchlings, 2 lizards, 6 Honey bears, 9 civets and 5 orangutans were reintroduced on that day. The President in his speech mentioned that two most important things to be inherited to the next generation are science and the preservation of nature. The event, the President stated, showed to the world Indonesia’s commitment to nature conservation.