Día Internacional de las Montañas

Events archive

Portugal geopark offers mountain crash course

To commemorate International Mountain Day 2019, the Associação Geopark Estrela is offering a 16 hour crash course called, "The Mountains on a Changing Planet Course", from 7 to 8 December. The course will take place at Manteigas Village in Estrela Geopark, Portugal. The course targets both instructors and students interested in all topics concerning mountains, from their social importance to climate change’s effects on mountainous areas. The course uses the Serra da Estrela, the mountain range that includes mainland Portugal's [...]

Russian Mountain Group holds IMD event on youth in mountains

The MAB-6 Mountain Group of the Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, is holding their annual International Mountain Day celebration at the Moscow headquarters of the Russian Geographical Society. This year, the event features two speakers from Tajikistan and Dagestan, who will share their perspectives on how youth perceive development in their mountain communities. Attendees include scientists, politicians, students and members of the representative offices of Russia’s mountainous regions.

Himalayan Forest Research Institute celebrates IMD in India

The Himalayan Forest Research Institute (HFRI) will celebrate International Mountain Day 2019 on 11 December at its campus in Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India. A keynote address will be delivered on the 2019 theme, “Mountains matter for youth”, which will be followed by discussions among scientists, researchers, HFRI staff and students.

Puerto Rico's first International Mountain Day celebration

Two Puerto Rican organizations are teaming up to host Puerto Rico’s first ever “Dia de Las Montanas”. The Puerto Rico Outdoor Recreation Industry Association and Envision Puerto Rico L3C plan to hold a series of events spanning 8 to 15 December. The celebrations will begin with mountain tours and an official state proclamation, along with the opening of a Mountain Photo Exhibition. Throughout 10 and 11 December, there will be a Puerto Rican mountains film festival, and on International Mountain [...]

Pakistan holds IMD mountain festival

This International Mountain Day, the Development Communications Network (DEVCOM-Pakistan) is holding the 9th edition of the Pakistan Mountain Festival in Islamabad. The festival begins 1 December and concludes 11 December.

IMD event promotes mountains for all

Mountains 4 All and Ski 2 Freedom are joining forces to celebrate International Mountain Day on 11 December. The jointly organized event aims to highlight that mountain tourism offers experiences and activities for all: including those with life-changing or life-limiting diseases, illnesses or other health conditions. This IMD celebration is an ideal opportunity for businesses and resorts to display what they are doing to make mountain tourism inclusive and accessible.

Portuguese camping and mountaineering federation celebrates IMD

The Federação de Campismo e Montanhismo de Portugal (FCMP) is organizing an International Mountain Day event to be held on 11 December. The event will include a talk to bolster awareness of IMD and the challenges currently faced by mountain regions within the context of this year’s theme, “Mountains matter for youth”.

IMD tree planting activity in Kenya

Development Training and Research Africa (DETRA-Africa), The Centre for Research in Environment in Kenya and their coorganizers are holding an event centred on mountains’ importance as sources of fresh, clean water and home to biodiversity hotspots – particularly focusing on Mount Kenya and the Mount Kenya Forest. The IMD event will include a lecture on these topics and a tree planting activity.

Greek island takes action for IMD 2019

In light of International Mountain Day, the University of the Mountains will conduct an excursion to the Municipality of Platanias, Crete, Greece, on 10 October. There, they will perform medical examinations on the vulnerable Karanou population, educate primary school children and facilitate an open discussion with mountain peoples about their livelihoods. Monthly excursions to mountainous and remote villages of Crete and the Aegean islands will occur in the future. Photo from The University of Mountains

Peru organizes mountain conference on IMD 2019

The International Symposium "Mountains Our Future" took place in Cusco, Peru, from 10 to 12 December 2019 to celebrate International Mountain Day and the fifth anniversary of the National Institute for Research on Glaciers and Mountain Ecosystems. The symposium's aim was to spread the scientific-technical knowledge regarding mountain ecosystems and tropical glaciers in the context of climate change. The symposium included 22 lectures, about half of which were international; four thematic sessions; 46 posters in a permanent exhibition; and an attendance [...]