Journée internationale de la montagne

Events archive

Celebrating the importance of IMD to Cameroon

The International Center for Environmental Education and Community Development (ICENECDEV) is organizing a roundtable discussion, to be broadcast on radio and television, about the importance of International Mountain Day (IMD) to Cameroon in celebration of IMD 2017. Representatives of government, universities, civil society and indigenous groups will participate in the roundtable discussion, which will be followed by a quiz and awards ceremony.

Call for case studies on climate change and hunger in mountains

The Mountain Partnership Secretariat seeks case studies on climate change and hunger in mountains for the fact sheets currently being created for International Mountain Day 2017. Case studies should be between 200-400 words in length and be accompanied by photos depicting the content. Please email case studies and photos to Sara Manuelli at [email protected] by 1 September 2017. You may also send her information about your upcoming IMD events.

Villages to celebrate IMD with a Mountain Fair in India

On 11 December 2017, the Central Himalayan Institute for Nature & Applied Research (CHINAR) will organize a Mountain Fair for a cluster of villages in the Kapkote Development Block in Uttarakhand, India. More than eight villages will participate in the Fair, which will include an exhibition of local products, mountain agrobiodiversity, agricultural equipment and seeds; a sale of mountain products and local cuisines; games for local youth and traditional folk dancing.

Hiking group in Murcia, Spain plans hikes and a conference to celebrate IMD

The Hiking Group of the Real Casino of Murcia, Spain will celebrate International Mountain Day (IMD) 2017 with a series of events. All of the hiking group’s fourth-quarter treks – from September through December – will be dedicated to IMD. Their activities will culminate in a conference on 11 December at 19.00 in the Salon de Actos of the Real Casino of Murcia.

Marina Alta Region, Spain prepares International Mountain Day programme

A special programme of International Mountain Day (IMD) activities is being developed by the College of Engineers of Montes in coordination with the provincial council of Alicante, Spain. Celebrations will take place throughout the Marina Alta Region. This year, renowned climber Carlos Soria, who is over 75 years old, is preparing for the challenge to become the oldest person ever to summit the 14 highest mountains in the world in celebration of IMD.

MiratecArts to host mountain celebration and photo contest

From the mountain island of Pico, Azores, Portugal, MiratecArts will lead its annual celebration of International Mountain Day on 11 December. On this day, MiratecArts will announce the finalists of the International Photography Contest and present the programme brochure for the fourth Montanha Pico Festival, which will take place throughout the month of January 2018. The Montanha Pico Festival will feature art exhibitions, a film festival and tea-talk events on the highest mountain of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

Reading Mountains Festival 2017

The third edition of the Alpine Convention’s Reading Mountains Festival is an occasion for partners around the Alps to organize events to celebrate Alpine literature, languages and cultures on 11 December, International Mountain Day (IMD), and in the days leading up to it. Stakeholders, schools, individuals and all other interested organizations are invited to organize a reading by a local author, a presentation of a book taking place in the region or any other innovative event to celebrate IMD.

Nilgiri Documentation Centre highlights India’s Nilgiri Mountains

The Nilgiri Documentation Centre held the event “Future of the Nilgiri Mountains” in Ooty, India in observance of International Mountain Day and in commemoration of 30 years of the Save Nilgiris campaign and ten years of the Nilgiri Documentation Centre. Experts gave presentations on water, soil, tourism, people and resources, assessing the present level of risks and possible ways of mitigating them in the future. Furthermore, the Indian Institute of Soil and Water Conservation received the 2016 Nilgiri Conservation Award. [...]

Moroccan NGO organizes training to discuss climate change adaptation in mountains

Migration and Development, a network of 400 associations in five mountainous areas of Morocco, in collaboration with several national agencies, organized the second edition of its Rural University on 24-25 December in celebration of International Mountain Day. The theme was "Territorial resources and adaptation to climate change in mountain areas in a post-COP22 context". The objective of the training was to create a space for constructive inter-stakeholder debate to propose climate change adaptation solutions for rural and mountainous areas.

Madagascar highlights the importance of mountains and soils

Madagascar celebrated International Mountain Day and World Soil Day together at national level on 8 December. The event was an opportunity for stakeholders in Madagascar to further their understanding of the importance of mountains and soil to life. Mountain and soil ecosystems provide several important ecosystem goods and services. However, pressures on the environment, including the exploitation of natural resources, climate change, pollution, deforestation and drought, which affect mountain and soil ecosystems and ultimately the people that rely on them. [...]