Journée internationale de la montagne

Events archive

Three haikus on mountains for IMD

To mark International Mountain Day, the ASOCIACIÓN / DE LA GENTE DEL HAIKU / EN ALBACETE (Association of the People of Haiku in Albacete, Spain) shared three haikus by Bashô, translated into Spanish, from the book By mountain paths. The haikus celebrate the sacred Mount Fuji of Japan.

MountMed to promote and protect mountains in Cyprus

The Institute for Research, Experimentation and Development for the Mountains of Mediterranean Islands "MountMed" was announced on International Mountain Day 2020 by the John Papadouris Foundation. MountMed will develop synergies and networks while applying the principles and strategies of the European Union, United Nations and other international bodies. The Institute also intends to collaborate with various public and private sector organizations to support the implementation of a national strategic plan for sustainable mountain development.

World Bank publishes blog on protecting Central Asia’s mountains

In celebration of International Mountain Day 2020 and as a reminder of just how essential mountains are to Central Asia, World Bank writers Paola Agostini and Daniel Werner Kull published the blog "Protecting Central Asia’s mountains and landscapes to transform people’s lives and livelihoods" on 11 December – check it out by clicking the link above!

Wigwam Clubs Italia highlights small farms and mountain products

Wigwam Clubs Italia celebrated International Mountain Day 2020 virtually with a webinar dedicated to mountain farms and traditional products on 11 December. Wigwam is an Italian association working in the field of environmental protection and is officially recognized by the Italian Ministry of the Environment. The goal of the organization is to promote and support sustainable mountain development among local mountain communities.

Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela hosts 3-day IMD celebration

The Ministry of Popular Power for Ecosocialism of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela organized a 3-day celebration of International Mountain Day on 10-12 December 2020. The programme began with a webinar on Thursday about the sustainable management of mountain environments and the ecosystem services that mountains provide. A planting ceremony followed on Friday in Macarao National Park. Finally, Saturday celebrated the sixty-second anniversary of Waraira Repano National Park.

Message on IMD, United Nations Secretary-General

Mountains are home to stunning biodiversity. Mountain regions host more than a quarter of terrestrial plants and animals and 30 per cent of key biodiversity areas on land. At a time of accelerating climate change and land degradation, this year’s observance of International Mountain Day highlights these threats and the importance of mountain ecosystems. Mountain glaciers are losing their glaciers at an unprecedented rate. Snow depth in high mountains is expected to decrease by 10 to 40 per cent between 2031 [...]

FAO DG QU Dongyu's video message for the International Mountain Day 2020

The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, QU Dongyu, shared a video message on 11 December for the International Mountain Day 2020.

Redar Peru celebrating IMD and World Children's Day virtually on 11 December

Redar Peru, together with the Andean Knowledge Network and other institutions, will celebrate International Mountain Day together with World Children's Day on 11 December. Their virtual event for children between the ages of 8 and 15 will promote caring for the environment, appreciation for diversity and a culture of peace. The event will take place at 14.00–17.00 Lima time on Zoom (Meeting ID: 914 8141 8222, Passcode: 066170).

"Protecting mountain biodiversity" theme of Kenya's IMD celebration

The Government of Kenya together with the National Environment Management Authority will celebrate International Mountain Day on 8-11 December under the theme "Protecting mountain biodiversity". Ativities include adopting a forest, tree planting and launching an arboretum and envronmental resource center. Keriako Tobiko, Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, is Chief Guest.

The importance of biodiversity: Mountain Protection Award projects report on progress

The annual UIAA Mountain Protection Award (MPA) was created in 2013. The platform enables people to raise finances to build key infrastructures, conduct vital research and fulfil pending project goals. Owing to Covid-19, the 2020 Award is postponed to 2021. For International Mountain Day, representatives from five MPA nominees on three continents have provided information on progress of their initiatives, how their project promotes biodiversity, the wider importance of biodiversity to mountain life and the impact Covid-19 on their operations. [...]