International Mountain Day

IMD 2018 celebrations in Germany


An event was organized by the Environmental Research Station Schneefernerhaus and the ‘Landratsamt Garmisch-Partenkirchen’ to celebrate IMD 2018 in Germany. The theme for the event was 'Mountains Matter for water'. The event started with a discussion round of local authorities and natural scientists, afterwards Prof. Dr. Michael Rast from the European Space Agency had an excellent speech about the retreat of the alpine glaciers as observed from space. The event ended with a presentation from the EagleWings project, showing pictures of the alpine region from the view of an eagle. It was accompanied by music from the band Vuimera.

The event was free and there were more than 200 participants.

Partners included the Project ‘Eagle Wings-Protecting the Alps’, The European Space Agency (ESA), Schloss Elmau and Zugspitzregion GmbH.

See the video