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  • 粮农组织、欧盟和法国国际发展农业研究中心于2020年发起了“可持续农业粮食体系转型计划(SASTI)”,在近50个国家开展大规模农业粮食体系评估和磋商。这项工作围绕四个核心目标采集证据和知识:粮食安全、营养和健康;包容性经济发展;国土开发和平等;以及环境。
  • 它们从这些评估中总结发布了41份国别简介,这有助于甄别开发创新性政策和投资方案的切入点。
  • 粮农组织、欧盟和Agrinatura(一个欧盟研究院所联合体)发起了名为“可持续农业粮食体系资讯(SASI)”的新阶段计划。目的是提供更多有关体制、政策和投资的知识和指导,从而加快向可持续农业粮食体系转型。
  • 依托这些评估,粮农组织投资中心正在与各国合作,共同支持体制平台,应对向可持续农业粮食体系转型中的各种挑战和机遇,其中侧重以证据为基础的数据、问题的集体解决、加强能力和战略沟通。这项工作正在不丹、哥伦比亚和塞拉利昂开展。


Onion farmer in Sierra leone
A wind of change is blowing in Sierra Leone, one that will help ensure the people’s access to more locally produced, sustainable and nutritious food. With the ‘Feed Salone Strategy’, the Government intends to mobilize investments to boost agricultural productivity as part of its plan to enhance food security and inclusive economic growth.
The Government of Bhutan, the European Commission’s Directorate-General for International Partnerships, and the FAO Investment Centre participated at an InfoPoint event dedicated to discussing the state of play in Bhutan's food system.   During thi
At the 2022 summit of the African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) held in Kigali, Rwanda, 5-7 September 2022, the future of food systems in Africa was at the core of the debate. They are a fundamental part in reaching the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs
There is a wide recognition that our food systems are no longer sustainable. They do not provide a diverse and healthy diet, the systems of production are damaging to the environment and the economic gap between actors is widening.
To coincide with the publication of the results of the global Food System Assessment (FSA) undertaken by the European Union, FAO and the agricultural research centre for international development (CIRAD) in cooperation with national governments, a high-le
As world leaders gather in New York for the UN Food Systems Summit, convened under the General Assembly, to discuss solutions to improve the world's food systems, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is releasing key results f
Country teams led by governments and supported by EU delegations, FAO representatives and other development partners are conducting the assessments, with results already compiled from Bhutan, Burkina-Faso, Madagascar and Nepal. “We are partnering with th