FAO Investment Centre

Public Investment

Public Investment

Creating a healthier, more sustainable world requires massive investment. Transforming agrifood systems will cost USD 4 trillion, or more, from now until 2030 in low- and middle-income countries. That translates to about USD 680 billion per year. 

For six decades, the FAO Investment Centre has helped mobilize billions of dollars of public investment in agriculture, food security, nutrition, poverty reduction and rural development.

The Centre provides tailored investment support to countries and financial partners at all stages of the project cycle – from project conception, identification, design and appraisal to implementation and evaluation. 

Good investment design is only part of the equation. Supporting the implementation of ongoing investment projects – the lion’s share of the Centre’s work on public investment – ensures quality control and helps countries achieve positive and lasting results.

The Centre’s main partners include the World Bank, IFAD, multilateral and regional development banks like the African Development Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Inter-American Development Bank, along with specialist funds such as the Green Climate Fund, the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program and the European Union. 

Latest stories
FAO investment design targets improved resilience for Sindh’s farmers and fishers
FAO investment design targets improved resilience for Sindh’s farmers and fishers

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New investment to enhance South Sudan’s resilience and food security
New investment to enhance South Sudan’s resilience and food security

A USD 46.2 million grant, recently approved by the African Development Bank Group aims to boost South Sudan’s agricultural productivity and build its...

Catalyzing the transition to sustainable and inclusive agrifood systems in Bhutan
Catalyzing the transition to sustainable and inclusive agrifood systems in Bhutan

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Transitioning to sustainable agrifood systems in Colombia: a territorial focus on three regions

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Latest publications

To celebrate the Investment Centre’s 50th anniversary, we at FAO reflected on half a century’s worth of experiences in facilitating...