FAO in the Islamic Republic of Iran

FAO shares international expertise and knowledge with Iran in Early Warning Early Action systems


FAO, in collaboration with its national counterparts in Iran and Mongolia, facilitates the sharing of good practices and lessons learned in Disaster Risk Reduction and resilience-building between the two countries.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in close partnership with its national stakeholders in Iran and Mongolia organised a knowledge-sharing event for Iranian experts, providing a unique opportunity to transfer technical expertise and international experiences in Dzud Early Warning Early Action (EWEA) systems between the two nations.

According to a press release published by the FAO Representation in the Islamic Republic of Iran, the event focused on discussing different aspects of successful implementation of Dzud Early Warning Early Action system in Mongolia, including developing risk maps using nationwide and comprehensive meteorological network data; crafting a functional procedure for on-time disseminations of analysed information; and developing and taking anticipatory measures by national authorities based on the latest update.

As presented in the webinar, the FAO-supported project in Mongolia not only allows national authorities to mitigate the negative impacts of disasters and reduce large-scale damages and losses caused to the agriculture sector but also, through delivering immediate assistance, it contributes to the improvement of food security in the affected rural communities and the empowerment of vulnerable population to maintain their livelihoods during the disaster and rebuild them in post-disaster periods.  

In this regard, the achieved results demonstrated how such measures are cost-effective for the national government as every USD 1 spent on early actions taken by authorities to help the risk-prone households, returns more than USD 7 in benefits – reduced damages and losses – to each disaster-affected family.

At the outset of webinar, Mr Shukri Ahmed, FAO Deputy Strategic Programme Leader on Resilience highlighted the need to strengthen the global awareness and the shift from managing disasters to managing risks. He urged the realisation of such by employing preventive and anticipatory mechanisms and put in place necessary actions and interventions to reduce risks and prevent them from turning to disasters. Capacity building at all levels, from global to communities to households is necessary to be able to absorb shocks and mitigate their impacts.  He added, “having good early warning information is only one side of the equation; if we are not proactive enough in translating such information to early action, it does not fully serve its purpose.”

“Early and expedited actions in the pre-disaster situation, not only can save lives and protect livelihoods from the immediate shocks caused by the natural hazard and climate induced disasters but also would protect long-term development gains by increasing the resilience of local communities over time,” said Mr Gerold Bödeker, FAO Representative to the Islamic Republic of Iran in his statement during the event, delivered by FAO-Iran Programme Consultant. 

Mr Gerold Bödeker also underscored the firm commitment by FAO to jointly work with Iran “to adopt and establish early warning platforms and develop indicators and evidence-based triggers to enable effective early actions against looming disasters.”

“The Organization looks forward to increasing collaboration with the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the other counterparts in promoting climate-smart and risk-reducing/proofing agriculture practices and strengthening disaster risk management capacities,” emphasised FAO Representative to the Islamic Republic of Iran in his concluding remarks.

Linking to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the United Nations Resident Coordinator to Iran, Ms Ugochi Daniels emphasised that “access to reliable data/information and robust analysis, including early warning systems and early warning early action” is more urgent and important than ever. She added that the COVID-19 pandemic reinforces the call for multi-sectoral, multi-hazard and anticipatory approaches that consistently integrate disaster and climate risk management and strengthen the resilience of people, their livelihoods and the ecosystems they depend on in a sustainable manner.  

Describing the benefits of establishing Early Warning Systems, Mr Vinod Ahuja, FAO Representative in Mongolia asserted that such systems “helps anticipate the impact of the disaster and allows all stakeholders to act early to overcome the disaster with minimal losses. This has been a great step forward to being prepared and building resilience”.

FAO, as the lead UN agency dedicated to increasing the resilience of agricultural livelihoods and food systems, will continue to work closely with partners to build inclusive, resilient and sustainable societies, thereby, supporting countries to deliver on their commitments on disaster risk reduction and climate change actions to ensure risk-informed development.